
Stress and anxiety can be relieved by sauna sessions

Several studies have shown that sauna bathing has numerous health benefits for our body. Sauna sessions can be beneficial for people with bronchial problems, high blood pressure or heart disease and have a relaxing effect on the nervous system. Learn more about how saunas can be used to treat stress and anxiety below.

Does a sauna affect fertility?

Sauna visits can reduce sperm count

Sauna visits may be beneficial for the circulation, but not necessarily for increasing sperm count. According to a recent study, men’s sperm production may be temporarily affected by frequent sauna visits.

How to meditate in the sauna

Instruction: Proper meditation in the sauna

Meditating in the sauna sounds unusual at first. But on closer inspection you will notice the connections and positive effects, what exactly mediation is, how you can learn it and what are the benefits of meditating in the sauna, you will read in the following part.

Out of the daily routine, into the sauna

How to enhance the sauna experience

The sauna is healthy and relaxing: It trains the immune system, wards off colds and you look better. In addition, there are a few things you can do to enhance the sauna experience even more. Learn how to enhance the sauna experience here.

Medical certificate for sauna visits after childbirth

Soothing sauna visits after giving birth: a guide for new mothers

The birth of a child is a turning point in a woman’s life, characterized by joy, change and new challenges. While attention is often focused on the well-being of the newborn, the importance of maternal rest and self-care often remains in the background. In this context, the question arises of effective and accessible ways for new mothers to regenerate both physically and mentally. One of these options can be a visit to a sauna, a traditional means of promoting health and well-being.

Mild sauna with sea climate

“Himalaya” salt sauna

Natural salt has neutralizing properties and have a positive effect on respiratory tract and other organs of the stressed body. The salt from Pakistan has many beneficial properties for health and beauty. That is why we have dedicated a separate article to the pink-orange gold.

Sauna sessions - the ideal refreshment on hot summer days

Pure refreshment: sauna sessions bring cooling on hot summer days!

Enjoy the refreshing effect of sauna sessions even on hot summer days! While sauna visits are usually associated with cold winter days, they can actually provide an ideal way to refresh. The heat in the sauna specifically regulates body temperature by stimulating sweating and evaporation of sweat. This creates a pleasant feeling of cooling and well-being. In addition to the refreshing effect, taking a sauna has proven health benefits and serves as a mental relaxation oasis.

Causes of headache after sauna

Headache after sauna? Tips to avoid them!

Going to the sauna can be a wonderful way to relieve stress, relax muscles and revitalize the body. Unfortunately, you may experience headaches after taking a sauna. But do not worry! With a few simple measures, you can avoid these unpleasant headaches and enjoy your sauna session to the fullest.

Sweating is hard work for the body

How many sauna sessions are healthy?

Especially in the wet and cold season, the sauna is very healthy for our general well-being. Your physical constitution is one of the factors that determines the right number of sauna visits. But how many sauna sessions are healthy? If you are also asking yourself this question, you have come to the right place.

Sauna as beauty secret number 1

Sauna: Effective anti-aging agent

Sweating makes you happy. That is why more and more people are drawn to the sauna, sanarium or classic steam bath. You feel that sweating is a real anti-aging miracle cure for the skin. In addition, the sauna acts as a booster for the immune system, metabolism and muscles.

Sauna kit for home

How good are DIY saunas?

What sauna fan does not wish to own his own sauna. The advantages far outweigh the disadvantages – so they can always use the cozy warmth in private. You can buy saunas conveniently and easily at most hardware stores. But how good are the DIY store saunas? We have investigated this question for you.

Can you get hair loss from regular sauna use?

Can sauna sessions cause hair loss?

The relaxing dry sauna is a real treat for your skin and physical well-being. But the heat can be merciless on your hair, drying it out and making it brittle. While the intense heat of short sauna sessions is relaxing for the body, some sauna-goers are skeptical about the benefits of saunas for hair. Is it true that sauna sessions cause hair loss?

Sauna sessions for beautiful and gorgeous hair

What are the benefits of sauna for hair?

There is a widespread sauna myth about hair. However, the fear that a visit to the sauna will harm the hair is unfounded, quite the opposite. Studies have proven: Due to the high temperatures, the outer cuticle layer of the hair is opened – regenerating care products now penetrate particularly deeply and work even more efficiently.

Why sauna is healthy even in summer

Sauna in summer

Sweating allowed – even in summer. Summer sauna is becoming increasingly popular and is also healthy. So if you want to strengthen your immune system, you should take a sauna at any time of the year. For a freshness kick in the summer provides the dry heat in the sauna and physical rest and mental relaxation.