Introduction: Sauna and piercings - a delicate combination?

Sauna visit with piercing: Which body parts are problematic?

A visit to the sauna offers numerous health benefits and is a favorite means of relaxation for many people. But for people with piercings, going to the sauna can present some challenges. In this article you will learn on which parts of the body piercings can cause problems during a visit to the sauna and how you can minimize possible risks.

Why sauna?

Why regular sauna visits improve overall health

Regular sauna use brings many health benefits. Sauna visits stimulate blood circulation, strengthen the immune system, reduce stress and improve endurance. In this article, we will look at how regular sauna visits can improve overall health.

With medication in the sauna?

Can I go to the sauna with antibiotics?

Even the most diligent sauna-goer gets sick sometimes. Not infrequently, the doctor prescribes an antibiotic against the disease. But can I actually use it in the sauna or do I have to do without the sauna during this time?

A visit to the Sanarium® is good for the heart and circulation

What is a Sanarium®?

Gentle saunas are in vogue. And quite rightly so. After all, the gentle heat has many health benefits. The Sanarium® is a modification of the classic Finnish sauna. In the Sanarium®, the decisive difference from the Finnish sauna is a lower regulated temperature and humidity.

Why wear a sauna felt hat in the sauna?

What is a sauna fedora?

The felt hats worn in the sauna look a bit strange. But they have a great benefit. What is the purpose of the sauna felt hat? Are there differences between the individual models? What felt hats are suitable for the sauna? We answer these and other questions in this article.

Can I go to the sauna with a pacemaker?

With a pacemaker in the sauna?

Especially in the winter time, many people are drawn to the sauna for relaxation. In principle, the sauna stay is also highly recommended. It strengthens the cardiovascular and immune systems. But what about patients who already have heart disease and wear a pacemaker? Are they allowed in the sauna and if so, under what conditions?

Sweating has a cleansing effect for the skin

Did you know that when the human body gets too hot, it automatically turns on its own air conditioning system? This is called sweating. The water released by the body through the skin eventually evaporates, bringing your core temperature back to the usual 98,6 °F. In this way, our body and skin are protected from overheating. We have summarized more exciting facts in this article.

Sauna yoga at mild temperatures

Sauna Yoga, a new trend?

Can this be? Should we really be exercising in the sweat room? The answer is a resounding yes. After all, the contortions in the warm are just in the metropolises of these hard hip. And that is no coincidence. We reveal to you everything about gymnastics on wood. Above all, we’ll tell you why it’s so healthy.

Lulur massage - beauty massage against wrinkles

Lulur massage – What is it?

A traditional ritual thousands of years old finds its way into today’s wellness with the Lulur massage. The application includes several steps. First, there is a massage with nourishing oils, followed by exfoliation. This is followed by a nourishing mask and finally, as a crowning finale, a fragrant flower bath. In this way, the Lulur massage is a benefit for body and mind. It provides the skin with nutrients, promotes beauty, relaxes and helps relieve stress.

Sauna bathing in autumn

Autumn calls for sauna

The days are getting colder, the leaves are turning yellow and the need for warmth is increasing. How nice it is to sit on wooden benches and enjoy the cozy warmth. Afterward, perhaps recharge your batteries in the whirlpool for a few minutes.

Conscious breathing can lower blood pressure, relieve pain and reduce anxiety

Respiratory therapy

The way we breathe has a great impact on the quality of our lives. We take it for granted, and yet the habits we form throughout our lives in the way we breathe determine our health. Respiratory therapy is designed to promote a healthier level of self-awareness, conscious living and creative expression.

Sauna with Finnish touch

The Finns and their sauna

In Finland, sauna is part of the way of life and that’s why they can’t get enough of it. It is used for personal hygiene, political diplomacy, relaxation or occasionally for business meetings.