Sauna essence: This is the scent of autumn

The spicy foliage and crisp, cool morning air speak directly to our senses. Now nature once again unfolds all its beauty. Autumn, this is the time of harvest and transition. The year is drawing to a close.
It smells so wonderfully like autumn!

It smells so wonderfully like autumn!

Autumn is also sauna time, because a sauna session strengthens our defenses and makes us fit for the winter. Which sauna essence goes well with autumn, we reveal to you here.

Which essence goes well with autumn?

In autumn, the light is golden and the leaves turn colorful. The harvest of the summer is brought in: Fruits, nuts and grapes. Autumn is full and aromatic. Slowly everything comes to rest and gets ready for winter. This also applies to sauna essences: Now everything may be a bit more flowery, full and spicy than in spring or summer.

Sauna infusion with orange

Sauna essences with orange go well with autumn. Maybe that’s why there are always oranges on the Christmas plate and in the Santa Claus bag. Oranges are also called oranges in some areas – apples from China. They grow on evergreen trees that can grow up to 10 meters high. In addition to orange essential oil, there is also blood orange with a slightly different effect. Orange essence is fresh and sweet and has an exhilarating effect – which is only good when the days get cooler, and it gets dark early in the evening.

Sauna infusions with Essence Orange are available from AllgäuQuelle, Kneipp, Warda and from Spitzner.

Sauna essence with sandalwood

Indian sandalwood has a woody, resinous, warm and sensual scent. The wood and roots of the sandalwood tree native to Indonesia and India are used. In addition to essential oils, sandalwood is processed into furniture, soaps, and incense. Sandalwood has a grounding and anti-inflammatory effect, it is skin-soothing and skin-caring. All properties that fit well in a wellness sauna.

Sauna essences with sandalwood are sold by the manufacturers Gya-Labs, Warda, Finnsa and well2wellness.

Autumn time – cold time

Not for those who regularly go to the sauna and enjoy an infusion with mountain pine. Mountain pine or mountain pine is an evergreen coniferous tree that grows at an altitude of 1000 to 2800 meters. Its scent is woody and fresh, and it has an anti-inflammatory effect on the skin. An infusion of mountain pine is also good for colds, stress, and exhaustion. What interests rheumatism sufferers who suffer from the cold, wet weather: Mountain pine has a soothing effect on muscle and joint pain.

Sauna essences with mountain pine are available from the manufacturers AllgäuQuelle, Primavera, Spitzner or Warda. The sauna essences eucalyptus, grapefruit, spruce, sea buckthorn and elderberry also make a beautiful autumn infusion.

Sauna essence – everything at a glance

Essential oils that are good for body and mind require one thing: high-quality ingredients, if possible from organic cultivation and without artificial additives. Essential oils with one hundred percent natural oils are best – nature-identical substances may smell good, but they have no effect whatsoever.

A sauna infusion with an essential oil should always be diluted with water and very weakly concentrated. Otherwise, headaches and circulatory problems can easily occur.


Suitable sauna oils for the autumn season:

Sauna Infusion “Orange”

Spitzner Saunaaufguss Orange frisch-fruchtig 1000 ml –...

Sauna infusion concentrate sea buckthorn

Angebot Finnsa Sauna Aufguss Konzentrat Eventduft Sandorn 250 ml

Sauna infusion with 100% BIO oils Forest Infusion Spruce

AllgäuQuelle® Saunaaufguss [100% reine Bio Öle] Naturluft...

Aroma Sauna Eucalyptus Peppermint

PRIMAVERA Aroma Sauna Eukalyptus Pfefferminze bio 100 ml -...

Sauna Infusion Concentrate Elderberry

well2wellness® Saunaaufguss Konzentrat Holunder 1,0 l


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