How healthy and relaxing sauna is

"The sauna is the poor man's pharmacy," as the Finnish proverb goes. To call the sauna a pharmacy or even a holistic form of therapy is by no means an exaggeration. It is good for body and soul and health complaints can be improved. Here, regular visits to the sauna achieve the best effect. The ideal is to visit at least once a week.
Recreation for skin, body and soul

Relaxation for skin, body and soul

Taking a sauna is so healthy and relaxing. The health benefits of sauna bathing are largely based on the positive effects of sweating. Every minute, you lose up to 40 ml of fluid through your skin. This cleanses the skin and removes sebum residues (keyword acne!) and refines the complexion. In the long run, sauna visits strengthen the acid mantle of the skin and less minerals are lost during sweating, which is also beneficial outside the sauna during sports activities and sweaty work.

Even people with certain skin diseases, such as psoriasis, can benefit from the sauna, because the skin does not dry out in the sauna. On the contrary, the water storage capacity of the skin increases with regular sauna users. On the other hand, lactic acid and other waste products are removed from the body through sweating.

Strengthening the circulation and immune system

The heat in the sauna promotes blood circulation throughout the body. This is because the small blood vessels dilate. As a result, more blood is pumped through the body, and the heart responds by increasing the pulse rate, while at the same time blood pressure drops. During the subsequent cooling down, the blood pressure rises because the blood vessels contract again. This exercises the blood vessels, which can have a positive effect on blood pressure in the long term.

The immune system also benefits from the sauna. After all, what happens to our bodies when we are exposed to high temperatures? The body temperature rises to the point of fever – in this case, artificially induced fever. The immune system reacts to the strong temperature differences by releasing more white blood cells, just like in a real fever, which protect us from infections. Our immune system loves temperature stimuli.

In fact, it is not designed for us to spend the entire day at a constant temperature. By alternating between hot saunas and cool showers, we harden the body, as the saying goes, and our susceptibility to disease decreases. Remember: sweating is important, but cooling down after the sauna is at least as important.

Furthermore, there is evidence that regular sauna bathing helps with depressive moods and mild depression, and can even reduce aggression in young children. Also with rheumatism, allergies and many further complaints, already positive experiences were registered.

Pure relaxation

There is hardly a place where you can relax as well as in the sauna. The sauna bath is good for body and soul. Some people like to relax in the sauna in the evening. But maybe you are also one of those people for whom sauna bathing has a rather invigorating effect and who therefore prefer to go to the sauna during the day.

A word of caution: always listen to your body and, if you have an acute cold, it is better to refrain from visiting the sauna so as not to put too much strain on your organism. People suffering from high blood pressure, as well as the elderly and pregnant women, should consult a doctor beforehand if in doubt. Then nothing stands in the way of a relaxed, restful and healing sauna visit.

If you sweat a lot, you also need to drink a lot

Depending on age, the human body consists of approx. 50 – 80 % water. An infant has the highest water content of 80% and this decreases with age. To bring your water balance back into equilibrium after the sauna, you should make sure you drink enough fluids. “If you sweat a lot, you have to drink a lot” Water fulfills a variety of functions in the body. It is a transport and solvent for blood and digestive juices.

In the form of sweat, it provides a coolant for our bodies. Without this important function, we would not survive a sauna session and would overheat. If we lack sufficient fluid supply, our blood becomes viscous and can only supply our organs insufficiently. During a sauna session, the body loses about 500 ml of water, so this should definitely be replenished to prevent circulatory problems.


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