Rhassoul bath (Rasul bath) - wellness for the skin

Wellness from Egypt – The Egyptian Rhassoul Bath

The Rasul bath is an ancient Egyptian form of steam bath, whose relaxing effect was already appreciated by the ancient Egyptians. In this process, various care muds are applied to the individual parts of the body and massaged in a herbal steam bath – the Rasul.

The sauna: a temple of tranquillity

Sauna serenity: a journey of self-discovery and mindfulness

In the midst of the cozy, enveloping warmth of the sauna, a sensual journey unfolds that goes far beyond purely physical relaxation. It is a pilgrimage to self-discovery and inner mindfulness, a path on which we gently detach ourselves from the fleeting mundanities of everyday life and glide down into the deep, unexplored waters of our own consciousness.

The story - Where it all began

Sauna: A sensory journey through warmth and well-being

What comes to mind when you think of a sauna? Is it the penetrating warmth that envelops your skin, the hissing of the water during an infusion or the deep relaxation that spreads through your body? In this article, we invite you on a journey for the senses – a journey that goes deep into the heart of sauna culture.

Music in the sauna: a gateway to silence

Music & sauna as a source of deep relaxation

Today I would like to tell you about a wonderful discovery that has completely changed my understanding of relaxation. It’s about the combination of music and sauna – a symbiosis that not only increases well-being, but also opens up new paths to inner peace.

The magic of the traditional Finnish sauna

The sauna – an ode to nature and originality

In a world characterized by technology and constant change, the sauna is a symbol of closeness to nature and the longing for originality. This ancient ritual, especially in its traditional Finnish form, offers a rare sanctuary – a sacred place where we can free ourselves from the shackles of modern life and reach a deeper level of being.

The sauna: a place of inner balance

The sauna: a retreat for energetic cleansing and balancing the chakras

In the modern world, where stress and hectic pace are omnipresent, many people are looking for ways to regain their inner balance. One practice that is attracting more and more attention in this context is the use of the sauna as a space for energetic cleansing and chakra balancing. This approach combines the ancient tradition of the sauna with the teachings of the chakra system to create a holistic wellness experience.

The body in the heat: a physical awakening

The sauna – a hot place for a more alert mind

In our fast-paced society, where stress and constant availability characterize everyday life, there is a growing longing for moments of peace and pause. The sauna as a traditional heat and relaxation bath serves not only physical, but increasingly also mental hygiene. It has become a refuge that offers more than just a break from everyday life – it is a journey to a heightened awareness.

The sauna as a path to awakening spiritual intelligence

The sauna as a gateway to spiritual intelligence

The sauna, a place of rest and perspiration, has been a cultural phenomenon for centuries – from the steam baths of the ancient Romans to the traditional Finnish saunas. But apart from health benefits and relaxation, the sauna has another, less explored dimension: it can be a powerful tool for developing spiritual intelligence.

Pulsating rhythm of warmth

The sauna as an oasis of creativity

Modern life is like a constant stream that sweeps us along with it. A moment for yourself, free from the whirlwind of to-do lists and the flood of emails, seems almost impossible. But in the silence and warmth of a sauna, far away from the turbulence of the digital age, we discover a rare state of contemplation. Here, wrapped in cozy warmth, the mind is not only cleansed, but is given the freedom to move without restraints and sail on the wide sea of creativity.

The ritual of the sauna

Sauna: Newborn from heat and steam

A journey into the depths of our existence begins in the simple wooden chamber of the sauna. The sauna is a sacred temple where we surrender to the elemental powers of heat and steam, a place of cleansing and renewal where the burden of everyday life falls away. Amidst the soothing warmth of the air and the hissing sound of the infusion, we find ourselves in a timeless ritual that has been celebrated in many cultures for centuries.

Sensuality & well-being: The influence of sauna heat and hormones

When hormones go crazy in the sauna

In the silence of the sauna, wrapped in warm light and fragrant steam, a world of sensuality unfolds. Here, far from the noise of everyday life, we can lose ourselves and find ourselves again, carried by the rhythms of our own heartbeat and the melodies of our hormones. Enter this temple of emotions and let yourself be enchanted by the magic of the moment.

Tattoos and sauna visits: a question of caution and care

Visiting the sauna with a tattoo: expert tips to protect your tattoo

Tattoos today are much more than mere body decoration. They represent personal stories, convictions and aesthetic choices. As more people choose this permanent expression of their individuality, there is also a growing need to understand the long-term care and protection of tattoos, especially in environments like saunas that can be challenging.

What happens to your body in the sauna?

The comprehensive health benefits of sauna bathing

Regularly taking a sauna is more than just a relaxation activity. It is a wellness practice that offers numerous health benefits backed by scientific research. In this article, we explore how sauna not only boosts your immune system, but also contributes to heart health, revitalizes the skin, and can even improve the quality of your sleep.

Common causes of headache after sauna session

Headache after sauna: identify causes and prevent effectively

Do you have a headache after a sauna session? Although the sauna is considered an oasis of calm and offers numerous health benefits, such as relieving muscle tension and promoting blood circulation, there are always complaints about headaches after taking a sauna. In this guide, we explore why headaches can occur and how you can use preventative strategies to make your sauna experience pain-free.

A sensual journey of discovery to inner peace in the sauna

The seduction of silence: my sensual journey of discovery in the sauna

In our fast-paced times, it’s easy to get lost in the hustle and bustle of everyday life. For many people, myself included, the sauna is a refuge, a place where we can regain our inner peace. In this article I would like to share my personal experience of making the sauna a spiritual experience that goes far beyond purely physical relaxation.

Even in a mixed sauna there are rules!

What is a mixed sauna?

If you want to visit a sauna, you may come across the term “mixed sauna”. Especially for beginners, this is often followed by a surprise when they find themselves in a room and realize that both women and men are present.