Sauna visits

Sauna visits as a holistic approach to promote health and well-being.

Sauna on prescription?: The therapeutic power of heat

In recent years, views on health care have evolved, and new treatments have emerged. A remarkable and fascinating idea is the prescription of sauna visits as a therapeutic measure. Dr. Rainer Brenke, a pioneer in this field, has recognized the positive effect of sauna visits on health and is now promoting the concept of “sauna on prescription”. In this article, we take a closer look at this innovative idea and the potential benefits for patients.

Why abstain from sauna in case of unfulfilled desire to have children?

Sauna renunciation: The key to a fulfilled desire to have children!

Do you dream of having a child? One way to get closer to your desire could be to give up sauna visits! In this article you will learn all about the positive effects and benefits of taking a sauna break and how it can improve your chances of getting pregnant. Let’s dive into the world of sauna abstinence together and support your family planning!

Sauna safely: What you should know about medications and sauna use

Sauna and medication: a safe combination or a risk to health?

If you want to enjoy the benefits of a sauna session, you should be aware of the combination with medication beforehand. Sauna and medication can be a harmless combination if you follow the rules. With the right measures, you can minimize the risk to your health and benefit from sauna therapy in every way.

Science confirms: Sauna can relieve migraine symptoms

Scientific studies about the positive effects of sauna on migraine

Migraine is a common and distressing neurological condition, but it can be alleviated with the use of saunas. Recently, scientific studies have investigated the positive effects of sauna on migraine, especially on symptoms such as pain, sleep quality and energy levels. In this article, you will learn more about the remarkable results of these studies and how you can reap the benefits of regular sauna use.

Why sauna?

Why regular sauna visits improve overall health

Regular sauna use brings many health benefits. Sauna visits stimulate blood circulation, strengthen the immune system, reduce stress and improve endurance. In this article, we will look at how regular sauna visits can improve overall health.

Sauna promotes blood circulation in the muscles

Circulation booster sauna

Regular sauna visits have a positive effect on our immune system. The heat acts as a blood circulation booster, so to speak. The blood vessels expand due to the heat and are better supplied with oxygen. This trains the vessels and improves the supply of the skin.

Recreation for skin, body and soul

How healthy and relaxing sauna is

“The sauna is the poor man’s pharmacy,” as the Finnish proverb goes. To call the sauna a pharmacy or even a holistic form of therapy is by no means an exaggeration. It is good for body and soul and health complaints can be improved. Here, regular visits to the sauna achieve the best effect. The ideal is to visit at least once a week.