Cardiovascular system

Why is a regular visit to the sauna so healthy?

Sauna is training for the lungs

It is between 104 and 230 °F hot and over five million Germans visit this location very regularly. It should not be difficult to guess what we are talking about here. Many people compare the time spent in the sauna with a warm embrace and complete relaxation. Yet there is so much more to this description.

Proper relaxation after sauna bathing

The right rest after the sauna bath

A visit to the sauna regenerates our body and gives it new strength – but only if you also make sure to cool down your body properly after the sauna session. Cold water and fresh air are essential for the relaxation effect after the sauna.

More than just sweating – Sauna trend in Germany

Sauna – a healthy trend

In Germany, sauna bathing has reached a new record high. 30 million people go to the sauna more or less regularly and this trend will continue in the coming years. Many wellness spas have recognized the trend and now also offer their guests sauna bathing in swimwear.

What happens to your body in the sauna?

The comprehensive health benefits of sauna bathing

Regularly taking a sauna is more than just a relaxation activity. It is a wellness practice that offers numerous health benefits backed by scientific research. In this article, we explore how sauna not only boosts your immune system, but also contributes to heart health, revitalizes the skin, and can even improve the quality of your sleep.

Benefits of regular sauna visits for health and well-being

Sauna – all advantages at a glance

In this article, we will look at the health benefits of regular sauna visits. We will list the positive effects on our health condition and show how regular sauna visits can contribute to increased well-being. If you are curious about the specific health benefits of saunas and how you can incorporate them into your life, join us on this journey into the fascinating world of sauna culture.

Why consider saunas as a menopausal symptom therapy?

Taking a sauna against menopausal symptoms: Truth or myth?

Maybe you have heard about the positive effects of sauna on menopausal symptoms, but you are not sure if this is really possible or just a myth? Don’t worry, this post will tell you everything you need to know about whether and how saunas can actually help with menopausal symptoms. We will take you into the fascinating world of the sauna and explain why a visit to the sauna can be of great importance for women in menopause.

Why sauna for more joy of life?

Taking a sauna for more joie de vivre: focus on dopamine

Would you like to increase your happiness in life and stimulate your happiness hormones in a natural way? Then you should consider sauna as a simple and natural option. In this post, you’ll learn everything you need to know about the positive effects of saunas on your body’s dopamine production and how to make the most of this beneficial heat source! Let’s find out together how you too can experience more joie de vivre through regular sauna sessions.

The therapeutic benefits of hydrotherapy for your health and well-being

The therapeutic applications of hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy specifically uses the healing power of water. It offers many options for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases, including hot and cold baths, casts or alternating baths. Here you will learn interesting facts about the application areas of the refreshing, relaxing and healing water therapy.

The benefits of swimming for the body

Why swimming and sauna are good for health

Swimming and saunas are great ways to relax the body and mind while promoting health and wellness. The positive effect of water on the body and the health benefits of the sauna have been known and scientifically proven for many years.

Regular sauna sessions prevent diseases

Sauna is more effective than many pharmaceutical drugs

A Finnish proverb says: “The sauna is the poor man’s medicine”. To call the sauna a pharmacy or even a comprehensive form of therapy is by no means an exaggeration. Studies have shown that sweating prevents a number of diseases and is even said to prolong life. The best effect is achieved by regular visits to the sauna. Optimally, a sauna session should be at least once a week.

A visit to the sauna is so healthy

Sauna for health

If you sauna properly and wisely, you will get many benefits from sweating in the sauna cabin. The cardiovascular system gets going, the skin’s appearance and the body’s own defenses improve, muscles relax and the psyche is brightened.

Into the sauna with high blood pressure

Into the sauna with high blood pressure?

As a rule, the sauna is not recommended for people with cardiovascular diseases. But recent studies on this topic show that people who suffer from hypertension can use them without health risks.

Important medical factors of sauna

The sauna has become a popular form of wellness treatment around the world in recent decades. Nevertheless, many people visit saunas out of curiosity or a desire to follow the latest trends, and not everyone uses saunas regularly.