Sauna bathing is more popular than ever

Even though the sweat bath has several millennia under its belt, it cannot be said that it lacks followers. On the contrary, the sauna is more popular than ever. And for good reason, because it makes hectic disappear, helps to relax and has a healing effect.
Sauna bathing is fun and healthy at any time of the year

Sauna bathing is fun and healthy at any time of year

Not only people over 50 enjoy taking a sauna, but more and more young people are discovering the benefits of sweating for themselves. According to statistics, every third German spent at least one session in a sweat bath last year. In addition to the desire for relaxation, this is often for health reasons.

The healing effect is undisputed. Especially in the cold season, sauna bathing has a positive effect on the body. It strengthens the immune system: those who regularly go to the sauna are demonstrably less susceptible to colds and flu-like infections. Not least because of the beneficial effect on the respiratory tract. The heat is also excellent for tense muscles and strained joints, and can relieve pain.

The hot air bath strengthens the mind

But it is not only the body that benefits from sauna bathing, the mind also derives great benefit from it. A visit to the sweat bath promotes stress reduction and helps to relax. This effect is enhanced by relaxation music in the sauna. Gentle meditation melodies and wellness music or nature sounds help to let the soul dangle and to forget everyday life and hectic completely.

The clever use of sauna fragrances for the infusion also supports the relaxing effect. Alpine herb mixtures, citrus scents, jasmine, but also strawberry are particularly popular for this. When choosing the sauna fragrance, however, care should be taken to ensure high quality. The infusion concentrate should not be emptied directly over the stone, but only diluted with water.

Auxiliaries support the effect of the bath

The variety of sauna fragrances and their specific effects open up another interesting dimension of sauna bathing. By choosing the right scent, body and mind can be additionally supported. It is fascinating to see how the different aromas not only provide pleasant smells, but also offer specific health benefits.

One popular scent for sauna infusion is eucalyptus, which not only has a refreshing scent, but can also increase concentration. The invigorating scent of eucalyptus oil promotes mental clarity and can be especially helpful when gathering your thoughts after a long day at work or during stressful times.

Lavender, on the other hand, is known for its calming properties and is perfect for that last sauna session before bed. The gentle scent of lavender oil can help relax and prepare the mind for a restful sleep. Surprisingly, the right scent can have such a positive effect on the entire sleep cycle.

In addition, sauna scents also offer specific benefits for the body. For example, anise and sage can soothe an irritated cough, while fennel is an expectorant. Peppermint, on the other hand, can help with respiratory problems such as asthma. It’s remarkable how targeted natural fragrances and essential oils can be used to alleviate specific ailments and enhance overall well-being.

Your personal well-being comes first!

To ensure optimal sauna enjoyment, be sure to respect your own limits and listen to your body’s needs. Over-exertion can be counterproductive and potentially have negative effects on your health. Therefore, it is recommended that you take a maximum of three sauna sessions to avoid overtaxing your body.

Between sauna sessions, it is advisable to take enough time to cool down. This can be done by taking a cold shower, a cold water pool or even a short walk in the fresh air. Cooling down serves to bring the body back to a comfortable temperature and stimulate the circulation. You should also drink enough fluids before and after a sauna session to counteract dehydration. Water, herbal teas or isotonic drinks are good for this.

If you sauna regularly, you can reap the health benefits, provided there are no medical concerns. However, people with high blood pressure should exercise caution and avoid the ice-cold plunge pool, as this can put undue strain on the circulation. It is always advisable to consult a physician before visiting the sauna, especially if you have any health concerns or are taking certain medications.

For the best experience, it is recommended that you seek expert advice when choosing an appropriate sauna infusion. An experienced sauna master or wellness expert can help you understand the different sauna scents and their respective effects. He or she can also help you find the most suitable infusion for your individual needs and preferences.

Ultimately, your personal well-being comes first. If you pay attention to your body’s signals, take appropriate breaks, drink enough fluids and seek expert advice, you can enjoy sauna bathing to the fullest and reap the full health benefits. The sauna is a wonderful way to relax, relieve stress and balance body and mind. Regardless of the season, sauna bathing can become an important part of your health and wellness routine.


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