Lomi Lomi Nui Massage

Lomi Lomi Nui is a Hawaiian temple massage and promises relaxation for the whole body. The massage is designed to relieve stress blockages and tension. The masseurs work not only with their hands, but also with the forearms and elbows.
What is a Lomi Lomi Nui massage?

What is a Lomi Lomi Nui massage?

Lomi Lomi Nui massage brings a touch of exoticism to your relaxation. Not all practices offer this ritual yet. It develops however gradually to the trend. Reason enough to test it once – before everyone does it. We want to introduce you to this technique and encourage you to try something new. As you will see, this excursion into the strange world of wellness is well worth it. We’ll tell you how the Lomi Lomi Nui massage works in detail – and what it can do for you. We’ll also tell you how to recognize a professional masseur. Follow us on this journey.

Massage that touches your heart

You will experience how fragrant oils, exotic colorful flowers, the warmth of the tropics and the sounds of a conch shell caress you. Because the massage has its origin in Hawaii. It was practiced by shamans, the so-called Kahunas. The inhabitants of the island enjoyed this wonderful ritual from the beginning. And they developed it over thousands of years, until the massage finally came to us in Europe. First to the big metropolises. From there, the trend now spreads rapidly and also reaches our latitudes. For a few years now, modern wellness retreats have been offering relaxation enthusiasts the opportunity to immerse themselves in a different world for a few hours.

Anti-stress treatment with depth effect

The technique aims to release blockages in body and soul. In this way, the energies are supposed to flow freely again, just as the traditional teachings want. You can say goodbye to your negative thoughts. Used regularly, the massage can also help you to get rid of bad habits. It’s all about finding peace and therefore freedom.

Lomi Lomi Nui massage includes more than 100 different massage techniques

But enough of the whole philosophy. Lomi Lomi Nui massage involves a total of about 100 grips – and fragrant oil. An experienced masseur will be very gentle to reach your deep lying muscles and connective tissue layers. The masseur follows a special ritual. He will step lightly around you. With this, he wants to imitate the steps of the exotic frigate bird. This is supposed to relax you additionally. Enjoy the attention that is offered to you here.

Oil massage with hands, forearms and elbows

Your body will be worked on by the masseur with his hands and forearms. No two treatments will be the same. He works on your body intuitively and adjusts the ceremony to your individual needs. He will press, knead or stroke exactly the places where you have problems. Sometimes his movements are very small and tentative, sometimes sweeping and sweeping. Tell your masseur what is good for you. Special attention is paid to your back. As is well known, this is where most of the tension is located. But not only this area is worked on during the full body massage.

Unique pressing, kneading and rubbing

Stretching and twisting arms is supposed to work against movement pain. The masseur will loosen your muscles. Any tension, in his eyes, is a blockage that prevents you from letting go. The masseur will ask you to breathe calmly and slowly. Thus, during the massage you will relax not only your muscles, but also your mind. This feeling is supported by a wonderful sensual scented aromatic oil. It is designed to promote harmony in the room and give you a holistic experience.

Two to three hours of pure relaxation

After the treatment, you will be wrapped in soft sheets. The warmth is meant to give you a little more relaxation. After the massage, which lasts between two and three hours, you should rest for another hour or so. If you want, you can also do it in the sauna, there is nothing against it. Perhaps there are even sweat lodge, the scent of which is Hawaiian.

Relief from insomnia, back pain and migraines

Lomi Lomi Nui massage does not help against serious diseases. It can, however, relieve some of your everyday ailments. For example, it is well documented that the ritual can counteract sleep disorders. The gentle strokes can also help with back pain and migraines. Even if you suffer from anxiety, you may benefit from such treatment. However, for serious psychological problems, talk to your therapist first. He will tell you if the treatment is suitable for you.

Lomi Lomi Nui massage is a cleansing and harmonizing ritual

Besides relaxation, the ritual also has a spiritual aspect. It serves to purify your soul. In the Hawaiian tradition, this allows you to let go of the bad thoughts of everyday life and relax. Traditional masseurs will give a lot of space to this point during the treatment. In addition, there are a number of elements from ancient Huna teachings, such as special stepping techniques, scents and prayers.

Wellness massage with Aloha spirit

However, these spiritual aspects are increasingly taking a back seat in modern practices. Here you will rather receive a wellness massage with Aloha-Spirit. But as long as the masseur has learned his craft, you will also benefit from such a treatment. For beginners, it may even be advisable to choose the light version first. This way you get to know the ritual and can dive step by step into the still foreign culture.

Additional training for Lomi Lomi Nui massage

You do not have to search long for a suitable studio for a Lomi Lomi Nui massage. In the meantime, many physiotherapists in Germany have completed additional training. We recommend that you enjoy this ritual in the context of a visit to the sauna. So you have afterward many possibilities to rest still a little.


Purchase tip of the editorship

Lomi Lomi Nui – The sensual Hawaii massage. Discover Lomi Lomi Nui The Sensual Hawaii Massage Let go of the old – open up to the new. The Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Nui is a sensual full body massage and is based on an ancient Hawaiian temple massage. Embedded in a sensual ritual, you will experience gentle touch, deep relaxation and loving attention. With lots of fragrant, warm oil and harmonious touches, the hands, and forearms of the Lomi Lomi masseuse glide over the naked body of the receiving woman. Tensions and blockages are released. Body and soul are restored to their natural balance, and the energy of life flows again.

Lomi Lomi Nui - Die sinnliche Hawaii Massage

Lomi-Lomi oil blend massage oil. Lomi-Lomi oil is a special oil blend based on the experience of various Lomi-Lomi experts. Since the oil is almost odorless, you can use your essential oils sparingly. Lomi-Lomi Nui is a form of massage that originated in Hawaii. The massage is not only for relaxation, but according to its claim also for physical, mental and spiritual cleansing. The massage is intended to release blockages on a physical and mental level and restore harmony to the body, mind and spirit.

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