Thai massage consists of passive stretching movements, joint mobilization and pressure point massages. The Far Eastern relaxation method is applied intensively to the entire body.
Ayurvedic massage is a 5000 year old healing art that pampers the body, mind and spirit. It activates self-regulatory forces, promotes relaxation and provides wellness for the senses. The massage relieves tension, nourishes the skin and brings deep well-being. Trust in the masseur and prior arrangements are important to enjoy the massage in the best possible way.
Pantai Luar is Indonesian and means “on new shores”. During this massage the masseur uses herbal stamps with essential oils. The aim of the application is to stimulate blood circulation. Muscle tensions are thus released and the psychological well-being is increased.
Lomi Lomi Nui is a Hawaiian temple massage and promises relaxation for the whole body. The massage is designed to relieve stress blockages and tension. The masseurs work not only with their hands, but also with the forearms and elbows.