What is a brine bath?

There are many people who appreciate a brine bath. A brine bath not only provides well-being, but also has positive effects on the skin, muscles, back and joints. It also has a calming effect on mental and emotional well-being.
Bathing in water enriched with salt

Brine baths: a spectrum of therapeutic uses and precautions

  • The therapeutic effects of brine baths include the relief of skin diseases, allergies and respiratory problems.
  • The applicability varies from professional therapeutic baths to individual application at home.
  • In case of heart or circulatory problems, consultation with a doctor is recommended.

The healing effects of brine baths: A comprehensive introduction

What is a brine bath? You have probably heard about it before. Brine is an all-rounder and many beneficial properties are attributed to it. We will explain to you exactly what it is.

Brine seems to be a true miracle cure. Even conventional medicine uses the liquid in some therapies. But above all, spas advertise the salty water as alleviating all sorts of illnesses. But is brine as good as its reputation? We have investigated and provide you with the answers. We also explain how you can use the effect at home.

What is a brine bath? – The basis of the brine bath

Behind the name, brine is in principle nothing more than salty water. To bear this name, the salt content must be at least 14 grams per kilogram of water. By the way, a maximum of 260 grams of salt can be dissolved in liquid. In spas, the content of white gold is usually indicated. The stronger it is, the more benefits a bath brings.

But how does the brine actually get into the basin?

This salt water is stored deep underground. To transport it to the top, a deep hole is drilled. Nowadays, the liquid itself is delivered to its destination by means of pumps. Incidentally, in order to become a health resort with the addition of a spa, a municipality in Germany must prove, among other things, that it has such a brine deposit.

In many places, the warm water is piped directly into the pools of the spas. As a rule, it no longer needs to be additionally heated. In a few cases, operators even cool the salty water. Another side note: Even the table salt in the supermarket is often obtained from this salt water. If the liquid dries, the spicy crystals remain. In the past, the sun did this job. Today, this is done in highly technical plants.

Health benefits of a brine bath

A brine bath has many positive properties. For example, people have attributed a relaxing effect to it for centuries. But this is probably only due to the pleasantly warm water, which relieves tension. However, scientists proved a long time ago that a brine bath actually benefits health.

Specific applications of brine baths for various health problems

Since a bath is an external application, the effect unfolds mainly on the skin. Thanks to its disinfecting effect, the brine alleviates skin problems of all kinds. Patients suffering from neurodermatitis in particular benefit from its use. In a combination with UV light, the cost of brine baths is even reimbursed by health insurance.

But brine is not only good for the skin. Doctors also recommend a bath when there is inflammation of the respiratory tract. The fine vapors hit the bronchial tubes directly and develop their antibacterial effect there. Inflammations have been shown to subside earlier. It also makes it easier to breathe.

Relief for rheumatic disease

Another well-known application of brine is the relief of rheumatic diseases. Patients report a significant improvement in their general condition after the baths. Above all, the pain decreases. However, a direct connection with the brine is disputed. True, the natural product has an anti-inflammatory effect. However, it is not absorbed through the respiratory tract in particularly large quantities. So, according to some experts, patients benefit mostly from exercise in warm water. The situation is different with a drinking cure. Here, sufficient salt enters the body to develop its effect there.

Why is brine good for the skin?

The effect of the brine comes mainly from its salt content. The white crystals are able to relieve inflammation. This is generally due to the fact that salt is antiseptic. In addition, the natural product has the ability to pull toxins from the skin. The combination of these two effects makes the brine a natural miracle cure for skin problems. But even people who do not suffer from such problems benefit from the application. The skin texture improves in general thanks to the ability to extract toxins. Above all, the tone increases – and wrinkles are reduced a little.

Brine bath for home

To enjoy a brine bath, you don’t have to go to the spa at all. If you wish, you can take the healing effect home. All you need for this is bath salts. With it, you make a salt solution, which develops similar effects as the thermal water. In principle, you could also use simple table salt. However, bath salts are cheaper and easier to dissolve. With table salt, they would first have to make a solution: To do this, simply boil water and stir in the salt. For a full bath, you should use about 100 grams of salt.

Summary: Health benefits of a brine bath

Brine baths have long been known for their therapeutic properties. The high salt content in the water helps treat and relieve a variety of health problems:

  • Skin diseases: Thanks to its disinfecting properties, brine can help with various skin problems, especially atopic dermatitis.
  • Allergies: brine baths can also help relieve allergy symptoms, as the salt has soothing properties.
  • Colds: By inhaling the salty vapors, brine baths can help relieve respiratory symptoms.
  • Digestive and metabolic disorders: The relaxing effects of a brine bath can also help the digestive system and stimulate metabolism.
  • Kidney and urinary bladder disorders: The healing properties of salt can also help with kidney and urinary bladder problems.
  • Nervous disorders, lack of concentration and sleep disorders: The calming effects of a warm brine bath can help relieve stress, improve concentration and promote better sleep.

Product recommendation: Kneipp Original Sea Bath Salts for your personal brine bath experience

Kneipp primal sea bath salt is valued for its positive effect on the skin and can support skin regeneration. It cleanses and cares for the skin naturally and contributes to a relaxing bathing experience.

  • Kneipp Urmeerbadesalz contains natural thermal brine salt, which is known for its skin-soothing effect and is particularly suitable for sensitive and allergy-prone skin.
  • The thermal brine salt for this product is extracted from the natural brine of the Luisenhall salt works, which lies at a depth of 460 meters and originates from the salt deposits of a 250-million-year-old primeval sea. The Luisenhall salt works is the only remaining pan-boiling facility in Europe, which underscores the exclusivity and quality of the salt.
  • Kneipp Urmeer bath salt contains no chemical additives and is not contaminated by environmental factors, making it a safe and natural option for your brine bath at home.
  • The Kneipp brand is known for its high-quality wellness products and has a long tradition of promoting natural health and wellness solutions. The product line is designed to promote wellness through natural ingredients.
  • Kneipp Primal Sea Bath Salts are very popular with customers and have received an impressive average rating of 4.7 out of 5 stars, based on 1,364 global reviews (as of Sept. 2023). The high satisfaction rate reflects the quality and satisfactory results of the product. Here’s a closer look at the customer reviews.
Kneipp SensitiveDerm Urmeer-Badesalz, 500 g (1er Pack)

Important note: When should you not take a brine bath? Although a brine bath has many benefits, you should not use it if you have heart or circulatory problems. Consult your doctor in such cases.


With this extensive information, you are now well-prepared to discover the healing benefits of a brine bath for yourself. Whether at a spa or in the comfort of your own home, a brine bath can be a beneficial and healing addition to your health routine.

Further sources:

Interview with Prof. Dr. med. Karl-Ludwig Resch about thermal brine: https://www.steintherme.de/thermalsole/Interview/

Brine bath and health: https://alternativmedizin-naturheilkunde.de/alternative-therapien/sole-solebad-gesund-gesundheit/

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