
Bathing in water enriched with salt

What is a brine bath?

There are many people who appreciate a brine bath. A brine bath not only provides well-being, but also has positive effects on the skin, muscles, back and joints. It also has a calming effect on mental and emotional well-being.

What to do for dry and rough skin?

Does sauna help against rough skin?

A touch of warmth, the scent of wood and the pleasant feeling on the skin – the sauna has been a place of relaxation and recreation for centuries. But in addition to relieving stress and promoting blood circulation, the question also arises: can the sauna also help against rough skin?

Can I go to the sauna if I have neurodermatitis?

With neurodermatitis in the sauna?

Sauna sessions have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and the body’s defenses. In addition, our skin benefits in many ways from the hot and cold stimuli. Should people with neurodermatitis therefore also go to the sauna regularly?