The positive influence of sauna sessions on acne and blemishes

Acne and skin blemishes are a widespread problem that affects people of all ages. In addition to conventional treatments such as medication and skin care products, regular sauna sessions have proven to be an effective way of improving the appearance of the skin.
Improved circulation and skin cleansing in the sauna
© saunazeit

Improved blood circulation and skin cleansing in the sauna

The high temperature in the sauna (around 176 – 230 °F) leads to increased blood circulation in the skin. This improved blood circulation provides the skin with more oxygen and nutrients, which contributes to healthier and clearer skin. In addition, the heat helps the body to eliminate impurities through sweating. This natural cleansing is particularly beneficial for acne as it helps to reduce inflammation and cleanse the pores. The increased temperature also encourages the pores to open so that deep-seated impurities can be better removed. This process not only supports the acute treatment of acne, but also has a preventative effect against the formation of new impurities and inflammation.

Sauna as a natural exfoliation method

The skin is slightly softened in the sauna, making it easier to remove dead skin cells. After a sauna session, these cells can simply be rinsed off in the shower. This process acts as a natural peeling, regenerates the skin and stimulates the formation of new skin cells. Regular exfoliation of the skin is crucial for maintaining a healthy complexion, especially for people who suffer from acne.

Frequency and duration of sauna sessions

It is recommended to go to the sauna two to three times a week for optimal results. However, pay attention to your own health and well-being and adjust the sauna duration to your personal tolerance. Excessively long sauna sessions can put a strain on your circulation and should be avoided.

Important tips for acne patients

  • Hydration: Adequate hydration is important to compensate for water loss through sweating and to prevent the skin from drying out.
  • Avoid soaps and shower gels: No soaps or shower gels should be used before a sauna session, as these can damage the skin’s natural protective layer. This is particularly important for acne-prone skin.
  • Aftercare: After a sauna session, it is advisable to gently care for the skin to maximize the positive effects.
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