Sauna visit

Pure relaxation: Why the sauna sometimes makes us tired

The phenomenon of sauna sleepiness: Why do we feel so tired after a sauna session?

Perhaps you know it yourself – after an extensive visit to the sauna you feel relaxed and refreshed, but also incredibly tired. This phenomenon is often referred to as “sauna sleepiness” and raises the question of why we feel so tired after a sauna session. In this article, we will take a closer look at what lies behind this phenomenon and what scientific explanations there are for it.

From wellness to luxury: the evolution of the sauna visit

The price spiral is turning: Why a visit to the sauna is becoming more and more of a luxury

In recent years, the trend of wellness and relaxation has evolved into a luxury experience. A change can be observed in the area of sauna visits in particular, as more and more people perceive sauna visits as an exclusive pleasure. But why is that? Why a visit to the sauna is becoming more and more expensive and how this luxury trend has developed, we want to take a closer look at in this article.

Introduction to the sauna secret

Sauna secret revealed: the best time of day for a hot visit!

It’s no longer a secret: there is a best time of day for a hot sauna session! Now is the time to dispel all the myths and rumors surrounding the optimal sauna experience and find out when is the perfect time to visit the sauna to make the most of it. This post will help you find the best time of day for your sauna visit!

Avoidance of skin irritations during sauna visits

Why does the skin burn in the sauna?

Sauna visits are a beneficial experience for body and mind. Still, it can be uncomfortable for some when the skin starts to burn. Why is this and how can it be avoided? In this article, we will go into more detail about this issue and present simple steps to avoid burning the skin in the sauna.

Is a visit to the sauna inappropriate when you have a cough?

Is taking a sauna a good idea if you have a cough?

A visit to the sauna is for many just the right thing to switch off and regenerate. However, many wonder if it is advisable to do this when you have an acute cough. In this article we want to explore the question of whether it is advisable to go to the sauna when you have a cough, and if not, what are the alternatives.

What really sucks in the sauna?

Bad habits that annoy in the sauna

How do you behave when you are in a public sauna and other people’s behavior gets on your nerves? Can you look forward to a visit to the sauna knowing that some people do not follow the rules and disturb others? In this article, we will address these very issues and give you tips on how to behave correctly in a sauna so that you and everyone else have a relaxing time.

What all belongs in the sauna bag?

I pack my sauna bag and take with me …

Who does not know it? “I’m packing my suitcase and taking with me…” A popular game where each player in turn puts items in their suitcase. So that nothing is forgotten, the next player must repeat the previous player’s items in the correct order and then add a new item. We’ve modified it a bit for you and put together a packing list for the sauna without a lot of guesswork or forgetting anything.

Regular sauna sessions keep you fit and healthy

Sauna: Sweat yourself fit

For humans, sweating is essential to life. It has about 2 million sweat glands and can therefore sweat much more than any other mammal. Sweating can be annoying in some situations, but it keeps our body’s temperature in balance and helps us stay fit and healthy.

Sauna cleanses the body and relaxes our psyche

What effect does the sauna have on our psyche?

Sauna is more than wellness. It not only cleanses our body, but also relaxes our psyche. But how does the sauna affect the psyche? Many people ask themselves this question. It is clear that the comforting warmth relaxes. But what exactly is the effect of relaxation? We have taken a close look at this question for you. We also tell you how to enhance the positive effects.

How a sauna session affects health

Health aspects for a visit to the sauna

A regular and continuous visit to the sauna leads to an improvement in our health and well-being. Because who sauna, uses an effective natural therapy. Numerous everyday health problems and physical ailments can be prevented or alleviated by regular sauna use.

Why should sauna bathing be healthy in principle?

When sauna makes you sick!

As we all know, sauna is healthy and therefore very popular among many devotees. So in German saunas, people sweat as much as their bodies can. Even with existing complaints, a sauna session can support healing. But be careful! Sauna is not always good, there are also limitations.

Sauna in the times of Corona

Why you should not give up sauna in Corona times

The Coronavirus has been accompanying our everyday life since March. Furthermore, it dominates in all areas of life. At the moment, nothing is the way it used to be. Spacing rules while shopping, masks in grocery stores, and canceled vacations are a small part of the impact of the Coronavirus.