The risks of drinking alcohol in the sauna

Drinking alcohol in the sauna can have dangerous consequences. While at first glance it may seem tempting to refresh yourself with a cool alcoholic drink after a sauna session, there are a few reasons why it is better to avoid alcohol in the sauna. In this article, we take a closer look at the risks of alcohol in the sauna and why it's better to avoid it.
Why is alcohol consumption in the sauna particularly dangerous?
Photo by Evelyn Chong/Pexels

Why is alcohol consumption in the sauna particularly dangerous?

Alcohol consumption in the sauna can be particularly dangerous because alcohol disturbs body temperature regulation and thus increases the risk of heat damage. In the sauna, the body is already under a lot of stress due to the high temperatures as well as the high humidity. The consumption of alcohol can increase this stress.

Alcohol affects the body’s ability to release heat by reducing blood flow to the skin and thus sweat production. This causes the body temperature to rise faster than normal. Combined with the already high temperatures in the sauna, this can lead to overheating and heat stroke.

In addition, alcohol can also affect cardiovascular function. In the sauna, the circulatory system is already under increased stress as the body tries to compensate for the high temperatures. Alcohol consumption can lead to additional stress on the circulatory system and thus increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

Overall, therefore, alcohol should be avoided in the sauna to minimize the risk of heat damage and cardiovascular disease. However, there are alternative ways to refresh yourself in the sauna, such as drinking cold drinks or cooling off in the cold water pool.

How does alcohol affect the skin?

Alcohol can affect the skin in several ways. First, alcohol can dry out the skin by reducing the skin’s natural moisture content. This leads to a feeling of tightness and dryness and can cause damage to the skin’s protective barrier.

In the sauna, the skin is already under increased stress, as the high temperatures and humidity lead to increased sweat production. Alcohol consumption can increase this stress by further drying out the skin.

In addition, alcohol can increase skin sensitivity. Combined with the already increased sensitivity of the skin in the sauna, this can lead to skin irritation and irritation.

For this reason, you should avoid alcohol in the sauna to protect the skin from drying and irritation. However, there are alternative ways to refresh yourself in the sauna, for example with non-alcoholic drinks. You can find a list of these at the end of this article.

How does alcohol affect body temperature regulation?

Alcohol can interfere with body temperature regulation by affecting the body’s ability to release heat. It does this by decreasing blood flow to the skin, which reduces sweat production. This can cause the body temperature to rise faster than normal.

In the sauna, the body is already under a lot of stress due to the high temperatures and humidity. Alcohol consumption can increase this stress by further disrupting body temperature regulation. This can lead to overheating and heat stroke.

Not only can alcohol disrupt body temperature regulation by impairing blood flow to the skin, it can also weaken cardiovascular function. This is especially dangerous in the sauna, as the circulatory system is already under increased stress as the body tries to compensate for the high temperatures.

Alcohol consumption can lead to additional stress on the circulatory system, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. It is therefore advisable to avoid alcohol in the sauna to minimize the risk of heat damage, heat stroke and cardiovascular disease.

Reasons why you should avoid alcohol in the sauna:

  • Alcohol impairs body temperature regulation, increasing the risk of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.
  • Drinking alcohol impairs the function of the cardiovascular system, increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Alcohol can dry out the skin and increase skin sensitivity, which can cause irritation and irritation.
  • Alternatively, you can freshen up after a sauna session by drinking cold drinks or cooling off in the pool with cold water.

Alternative healthy drinks after the sauna session

After a sauna session, it is important to drink enough fluids to compensate for fluid loss due to sweating. There are many healthy drinks you can drink after a sauna session. Here are some suggestions:

  • Water: Water is the best drink to make up for fluid loss. It contains no calories and is free of additives. You should make sure to drink enough water to keep your body adequately hydrated.
  • Electrolyte drinks: electrolyte drinks contain minerals such as sodium and potassium, which are lost during sweating. They are especially useful during long sauna sessions or physical exertion.
  • Herbal teas: Herbal teas such as chamomile, peppermint or lemon balm are soothing and can help relax the body. They contain no calories and are a healthy alternative to sweet drinks.
  • Fruit juices: fruit juices are a good source of vitamins and minerals. However, you should make sure that they contain as little sugar as possible. Unsweetened fruit juices or fruit juice spritzers are best.
  • Smoothies: Smoothies are a healthy alternative to sweet drinks. They can be made from fruits and vegetables and are a good source of vitamins and minerals.
  • Coconut water: coconut water is rich in electrolytes, so it can be a good choice to balance fluid loss. It is a natural source of potassium and has a refreshing taste.
  • Green tea: Green tea is rich in antioxidants and can help detoxify the body. It contains little caffeine, making it a good choice for people who are sensitive to caffeine.
  • Yogurt drinks: yogurt drinks are rich in protein and calcium, so they can help strengthen muscles. They are especially useful during long sauna sessions or physical exertion.
  • Sports drinks: sports drinks are specially designed for athletes and contain electrolytes and carbohydrates that help the body recover. They are particularly suitable for people who engage in strenuous sports activities.
    Water with lemon juice: water with lemon juice is a refreshing and healthy choice to compensate for fluid loss.

Our conclusion

Using alcohol in the sauna can have dangerous consequences, such as increasing the risk of heat exhaustion, heat stroke and cardiovascular disease. This is due to the impairment of body temperature regulation by alcohol, as it reduces blood flow to the skin, thus reducing sweat production.

The use of alcohol can also cause dehydration and irritation of the skin. Fortunately, there are many other ways to refresh yourself after the sauna, such as drinking cold drinks or cooling off in a cold water pool. It is therefore advisable to avoid alcohol in the sauna.


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