The basics of proper sauna

For a long time, taking a sauna was considered a pure luxury. However, since the psychological and physical benefits of this wellness oasis have come to light, saunas have become increasingly popular. However, in order to enjoy the full health benefits of this wellness destination, regular sauna-goers adhere to an unwritten rule of thumb.
A sauna is a valuable health oasis

A sauna is a valuable health oasis

The basics of proper sauna use. Wellness lovers who only occasionally visit a sauna tend to make many mistakes. For this reason, the following text provides valuable advice that sauna-goers can effortlessly put into practice. Sauna visits have a positive effect on health in many ways. Sweating and the hot air not only relax the body and mind, but also strengthen the immune system.

However, occasional visitors usually overdo it with their stay and the infusions. There are also unwritten rules of conduct that sauna-goers should be aware of in advance. These include sitting on the upper sweat benches. Clever beginners avoid this. This will not cause them any circulatory problems.

A mild and short start is suitable for beginners and advanced sauna users

Thanks to the change from cold to warm, there is an activation of the human immune system. This is accompanied by a strengthening of the defense mechanism. This reciprocal process in turn stabilizes the circulation. However, only wellness devotees who sauna properly enjoy these positive effects. These never stay too long in the health oasis. They enjoy extensive recovery periods between sauna sessions. Beginners usually start in a mild sauna with a temperature between 50 and 60 degrees Celsius (122 – 140 °F).

The first course lasts between eight and twelve minutes. Two further courses, which follow on the other hand, amount to the duration of a quarter of an hour. Accordingly, the rule applies: Better short and hot sauna than long and lukewarm.

Maintaining the correct posture

According to experts, the ideal posture is the supine position. Thanks to this, the body remains in a single temperature zone. The alternative posture is sitting with legs drawn up. To get the circulation going, at the end of the sauna time, participants sit upright. Furthermore, they place their bodies in the lower sauna zones. Thus, they prepare for the change to the upcoming cold and the upright walk.

Infusion and its function

Sauna-goers either do the infusion on their own or have it done by the person in charge. An infusion increases the moisture content in the air by another 50 percent. As a result, the body benefits from an additional heat stimulus. Once the steam has dispersed throughout the room, some sauna-goers wave their towel. However, visitors should not enter the sauna just before a new infusion. By doing so, they are more likely to harm their bodies.

Cold shower and exercise are a must

After taking a sauna, experts recommend that sauna-goers get some exercise. Fresh air in combination with a cold shower is a real benefit for the body. However, health experts advise a slow walk as well as gradually getting used to the cold water. The showering starts at the right foot, continues over the entire leg and after the jet has reached the arm, there is a change to the left side of the body.

Finally, health-conscious sauna visitors shower off their heart region. After the third or final sauna session, sauna-goers do not use shower gel or soap because their skin is already cleansed. Both a shower gel and a soap dry out the skin and disturb the balance of the acid mantle. However, an oily cream after a sauna completes the skin care process.

Sufficient rest and good time management

After the first sauna session, the body needs a rest. This amounts to a duration of 20 or 30 minutes. Only after this break do sauna visitors allow themselves one or two further courses. These are usually hotter than the first sauna session. Exercise and cold showers, however, take each courses. Sauna visits require a large investment of time. Three sauna sessions require two hours. The psychological and physical effects of regular sauna use are noticeable in people who sauna twice a week.

Precautions and drinking recommendations

Those who find the infusion too hot and uncomfortable wisely do not force themselves to stay. Instead, they either leave the cabin or sit on the lower benches. In addition, sauna-goers do not visit a sauna with a full stomach. In this way, they effectively counteract the development of circulatory problems. Cold showers are obligatory.

Furthermore, people with colds or those suffering from fever refrain from visiting the sauna. This has a counterproductive effect on the health of sick persons. Sick people, who are affected by cardiovascular problems, visit a sauna only after consulting their doctor.

Sauna-goers lose a large amount of fluid thanks to sweating. However, they compensate for this immediately afterward with water or juice spritzers. Alcohol is one of the forbidden liquids, as it puts a great strain on the circulation.


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