
Sauna and its temperature zones

The different temperature ranges in a sauna

There are different types of saunas with temperatures that could not be more different. Finnish saunas often reach temperatures between 80 and 100°C (176 to 212 °F). A distinction is often made between traditional Finnish saunas and dry saunas, the only real difference, between the two being that in the Finnish sauna water is poured onto the stone.

Almost all sauna beginners make these mistakes!

In order to make a sauna session a benefit for mind and body, it is important to consider a few points. Particularly, sauna beginners sometimes do not yet know what things to pay attention to when taking a sauna in order to relax sustainably and make mistakes. This is usually not bad, but leads to the fact that a visit to the sauna can not develop the beneficial effect that is in it.

What is a sauna infusion?

When is the perfect moment for a sauna infusion?

Successful planning of the sauna infusion can lead to an unforgettable experience. But when is the ideal time for an infusion? So far, there is no clear answer to this question. However, experiences of sauna visitors show that a number of factors should be taken into account to find the perfect moment for a sauna infusion.

The right preparation: How to make the sauna an experience

Tips for optimal use of the home sauna

It’s nice to have your own sauna in your home. The own sauna makes it possible to enjoy relaxation and wellness at any time and without long journeys. But what is the best way to use a home sauna to get all the benefits?

Sauna temperatures: effect and factors

The health effect of sauna temperatures

Sauna baths are more popular than ever in today’s world. They are considered a place of relaxation and well-being. Many people swear by the positive effect that regular visits to the sauna have on the body. The different temperatures in a sauna have different effects on the body. In the following article you will learn more about the different temperatures in the sauna and their effect on the body.