
Sauna safely: What you should know about medications and sauna use

Sauna and medication: a safe combination or a risk to health?

If you want to enjoy the benefits of a sauna session, you should be aware of the combination with medication beforehand. Sauna and medication can be a harmless combination if you follow the rules. With the right measures, you can minimize the risk to your health and benefit from sauna therapy in every way.

What really sucks in the sauna?

Bad habits that annoy in the sauna

How do you behave when you are in a public sauna and other people’s behavior gets on your nerves? Can you look forward to a visit to the sauna knowing that some people do not follow the rules and disturb others? In this article, we will address these very issues and give you tips on how to behave correctly in a sauna so that you and everyone else have a relaxing time.

Why do we sweat in the sauna and what is the function of sweat?

Should you wipe your sweat in the sauna?

When you sit in the sauna and start sweating, the question arises whether you should wipe the sweat from your skin or not. In this article we will look more closely at the question of whether or not it makes sense to wipe your sweat in the sauna.

Lose weight by sweating - Is it possible?

Does sweating help burn more calories?

Sweating is a natural process of the body that helps regulate body temperature. It can also be a sign of physical exertion, and many people wonder if they can burn extra calories by sweating more during exercise. This article addresses whether sweating during exercise helps burn extra energy.

Sweating has a cleansing effect for the skin

Did you know that when the human body gets too hot, it automatically turns on its own air conditioning system? This is called sweating. The water released by the body through the skin eventually evaporates, bringing your core temperature back to the usual 98,6 °F. In this way, our body and skin are protected from overheating. We have summarized more exciting facts in this article.

Sauna in summer | Sweating helps with heat

Sweating against the summer heat

How is that supposed to work? After all, it is even warmer in the sauna than outside. But you will be surprised. This works perfectly. The principle is simple: fight like with like. But there are a few other factors at work. We’ll tell you what they are. We also reveal how to get the most out of a sauna day in summer.

Never eat these foods when you go to the sauna!

Anyone who goes to the sauna with a plume of garlic is not giving their sweating fellow human beings much pleasure. But other foods also cause unpleasant odors from the body after consumption, and for hours afterwards. In this article we explain which foods you should avoid.

Taking a sauna is something you have to learn

Proper sweating in the sauna has to be learned

That sweating in the sauna is healthy, you know only too well as a reader of this blog. But is it enough just to sit comfortably on the wooden bench for a while? In principle, yes. But still, there are many things you need to consider, because proper sweating needs to be learned. We have ten golden rules for you.

Why do we sweat in the sauna?

How much sweat do you lose in the sauna?

Sweating is a natural response to prolonged exposure to heat. Since sweating leads to fluid loss, you run the risk of becoming dehydrated while in the sauna. However, if you drink enough water before, and after, taking a sauna, you can replenish the fluids lost through sweating. Find out how much fluid you lose during a sauna session and why sweating is so healthy in this article.

Sauna promotes blood circulation in the muscles

Circulation booster sauna

Regular sauna visits have a positive effect on our immune system. The heat acts as a blood circulation booster, so to speak. The blood vessels expand due to the heat and are better supplied with oxygen. This trains the vessels and improves the supply of the skin.

Sauna is body care in a natural way

The natural way: body care through saunas

The terms sweat and beauty combined in one sentence are for most people actually just a rough description for particularly strenuous sport. You can already do a lot for your body care by just sitting on a towel regularly. We admit that sounds a bit trite. But it’s actually true: regular saunas are like an appointment with the beautician! You don’t believe that? Then you should read the following text carefully.