
The perfect wellness program for at home

How to do wellness at home

Relaxation and well-being are no longer limited to expensive spas. Learn how to enjoy wellness from the comfort of your own home and enrich your everyday life with more peace and mindfulness. Get ready, because an oasis of well-being is waiting for you right on your doorstep!

Sauna fragrances that enrich your meditative sauna experience

The best sauna fragrances for a meditative sauna experience

Sauna is a place of relaxation and recreation for body and mind. Besides the positive effects on health, it also offers the opportunity to find inner peace and meditate. One way to intensify the meditative experience in the sauna is to use sauna fragrances. In this article, we will introduce you to the best sauna fragrances that will help you immerse yourself in a deep meditative state.

Lavender infusion: pure relaxation in the sauna

Lavender in the sauna: a fragrant journey to inner peace

In this article you will learn interesting facts about the relaxing effect of lavender oil on body and mind. The infusion is not only a wonderful way to relax after a stressful day, but also a natural helper with sleep disorders or inner turmoil. I will show you how to easily make your own lavender infusion and the positive effects it can have on your health. Let yourself be enchanted by the soothing power of lavender and dive into the world of aromatic relaxation!

How essential oils can enhance your sauna experience

Why essential oils enrich the sauna experience!

For those seeking an intense sauna experience, the use of essential oils is a good option. They not only provide a refreshing and relaxing scent, but can also complement skin care and enhance the sauna experience. In this article, you will learn more about the many benefits that essential oils offer to your sauna experience.