How to do wellness at home

Relaxation and well-being are no longer limited to expensive spas. Learn how to enjoy wellness from the comfort of your own home and enrich your everyday life with more peace and mindfulness. Get ready, because an oasis of well-being is waiting for you right on your doorstep!
The perfect wellness program for at home

The perfect wellness program for at home

Especially in the stress of everyday life, it often happens that we completely forget to actually take care of the most important thing: our own well-being. A day in a spa is not inexpensive and, moreover, due to the current situation only conditionally or only limited realizable. Nevertheless, in order to treat yourself to some time off and find peace, it is important to take time for yourself, at least at home. In the following guide, we present how you can spend a private spa day at home in a completely relaxed way – because wellness at home can also be very relaxing to gather new energy.

A hot bath as a start to the perfect spa day

If you have your own bathtub, consider yourself lucky: There is hardly a more relaxing way to start a spa day than with a hot bath. Especially in the fall and winter months, when it gets cold and uncomfortable outside, it’s fun to dive into hot water and completely switch off. Because: A hot full bath has many health benefits. Our joints are optimally relieved, muscle tension can be gently released, and our senses are also sharpened. Supported by soft, soothing music and candlelight, you can enjoy a wonderful feel-good atmosphere.

With fragrant bath additives such as lavender, sandalwood or rose petals, the bath also becomes an experience for all the senses, because many essential oils have an extremely positive influence on our mood and well-being. A good tip is the Cleopatra bath: for this, fill the tub with a liter of milk and a few tablespoons of honey – this makes the skin velvety soft and provides it with important nutrients.

You don’t own a bathtub but still want to relax? There are also intensely scented aroma showers – and finally, massage jets on the shower head can be a great way to relieve tension.

Suitable bath additives for the bathtub

Bath salt lavender

Badesalz Lavendel 1300g - Meersalz mit Natürlichem...

Aroma bath salt with rose petals

Deluxe Aroma Bade-Salz mit Rosenblüten BLÜTENMEER,...

Care for the hair

No matter whether you prefer showering or bathing – before you can enjoy the hot water on your skin, it is a good idea to care for your hair. An intensive hair mask with nourishing ingredients or oils such as coconut, almond or argan oil are ideal to massage into the hair. Also recommended: a mix of honey, yogurt and olive oil – leave the mixture in the hair for an hour or even overnight under a towel. Afterward, the hair is washed normally and gets a wonderfully healthy shine.

Suitable care additives for the hair

Dr. Schedu Berlin Keratin Collagen Intensive Treatment

Dr. Schedu Berlin Intensive Pflege Kollagen Haarmaske -...

Organic Coconut Oil

mituso Bio Kokosöl, nativ, 1er Pack (1 x 1000 ml) im...

Facial care: mask, peeling & co.

Of course, skin care should not be missing from a real spa day at home. Putting a mask on your facial skin is refreshing and relaxing at the same time. Before doing so, however, you should cleanse your facial skin with a peeling to remove dead skin cells. These often make the complexion look gray and pale. At the same time, the peeling stimulates blood circulation and the skin looks fresher immediately.

This is followed by a nourishing mask: regardless of whether it is a cream or cloth mask – a face mask is rich in valuable active ingredients that refresh the skin, give it a rosy complexion or directly make it look plumper. After the specified application time, the residues are simply massaged in and the complexion is radiant. Would you like to give your skin extra moisture? Then massage natural shea butter or argan oil into the skin. For the eyes, there are special gel pads with refreshing cucumber extracts or hyaluronic acid, which make dark circles disappear and plump up the skin.

Facial care and peeling for the skin

Fango Face Mask with Avocado & Superfoods

Angebot Plantifique Koreanische Gesichtsmaske mit Avocado &...

NIVEA Rice Scrub Organic Raspberry

NIVEA Reis Peeling Bio Himbeere (75 ml), natürliche...

Naissance Shea Butter BIO

Naissance Sheabutter BIO (Nr. 306) 1kg (1000g) - 100% Rein,...

Lip care: The best tips for a velvety kissable mouth

If you like to wear lipstick, you should make sure that your lips remain well-groomed and supple – because only then can they provide an optimal foundation for intense color. Because the thin skin of the lip does not have its own sebaceous glands, it is important to keep it moisturized. Otherwise – especially in the cold season – it can lead to chapped, rough lips. A special lip peeling gently removes dead skin cells from the lips and has a particularly nourishing effect with ingredients such as cocoa butter or almond oil. A soft toothbrush can also be used as a peeling substitute: Simply rub it over moistened lips and then apply cocoa butter – and your lips will be velvety soft again!

Gentle care for the lips

Burt’s Bees 100 percent natural nourishing lip scrub

Burt's Bees 100 Prozent Natürliches pflegendes...

Burt’s Bees 100 percent natural moisturizing lip balm

Angebot Burt's Bees 100 Prozent Natürlicher feuchtigkeitsspendender...

Extra soft feet: tips for a perfect manicure and pedicure

An all-round wellness day at home also includes a mani-pedi. For both hands and feet, there are special masks that are simply put on in the form of a glove or sock and left on for about 10 to 20 minutes. On the one hand, the skin is softened, so that it is then optimally prepared for further treatment, on the other hand, the mask also cares for the skin with nourishing ingredients. A peeling subsequently ensures particularly soft skin and makes calluses on the hands and feet disappear. The feet can also be treated with a callus file or a pumice stone to make them soft again.

Now the cuticles are brought into shape: for this purpose, a wooden stick flattened on the side is used to gently push back the skin. Finger nails are filed and brought into shape, for the feet a nail clipper is suitable – unsightly edges can still be filed. Important: Toenails must always be cut straight, otherwise they can grow in.
The finishing touch: a great nail polish in a beautiful color such as apricot, red, gray or beige – so well-groomed hands and feet are shown off to best advantage.

Care products for pedicure and manicure

Hansaplast Anti Callus Intensive Cream

Hansaplast Anti Hornhaut Intensiv-Creme (75 ml), Fußcreme...

Chali® Manicure Set 7 pieces

Angebot Chali® Maniküre Set 7-teilig - Edelstahl Nagel Set für...

Moisturizing Gloves

Hand Mask Feuchtigkeitsspendende Handschuhe für die...

Foot mask to remove calluses

Summer Foot Premium Hornhaut-Entferner - Hornhaut Fußmaske...

Wellness at home: it all depends on the right atmosphere

For a perfect wellness day at home, the atmosphere should be considered in any case: The right atmosphere provides relaxation and makes us forget the stress of everyday life for a few hours. Scented candles with an intense aroma have a wonderful decelerating effect – such as with vanilla, musk or even lavender, which has a particularly calming effect. A hot cup of tea, accompanied by delicious cookies or a fruit plate – ready is the home spa with pleasure!

Favorite fragrances for well-being

Yankee Candle scented candle in glass

Angebot Yankee Candle Duftkerze im Glas (groß) | Vanilla Cupcake |...

YMing Scented Candles Gift Set

YMing Duftkerzen Geschenkset für Frauen, Geschenke für...

Taking time for yourself regularly not only keeps your body well-groomed, but also does something for your well-being: When we feel fresh and vital, we are more efficient and have more energy. So why not plan a spa day all to yourself at home more often – because you too deserve to treat yourself to some all-round good times!


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