Blood circulation

Why is the cooling down period after the sauna important?

The amazing benefits of foot baths between sauna sessions!

Sauna is one of the oldest forms of body cleansing and relaxation, which has lost none of its popularity to this day. In addition to the well-known benefits such as strengthening the immune system and muscle relaxation, there is a simple but effective method to enhance the positive effects of the sauna: the foot bath during the cooling phase between sauna sessions.

What is cellulite?

Can a massager help against cellulite?

Cellulite is something every woman would like to do without. Those pesky dimples and bumps adorn buttocks, abdomen and thighs. And that’s regardless of how old you are or how much weight you weigh on the scales. Because the so-called orange peel skin can affect any woman who has a weakened connective tissue. Can a massager against cellulite help here?

Sauna visits as a holistic approach to promote health and well-being.

Sauna on prescription?: The therapeutic power of heat

In recent years, views on health care have evolved, and new treatments have emerged. A remarkable and fascinating idea is the prescription of sauna visits as a therapeutic measure. Dr. Rainer Brenke, a pioneer in this field, has recognized the positive effect of sauna visits on health and is now promoting the concept of “sauna on prescription”. In this article, we take a closer look at this innovative idea and the potential benefits for patients.

What are stretch marks and how do they appear?

Can sauna reduce stretch marks? The truth behind the myth

Sauna is a popular wellness experience. But what’s the truth behind the myth of whether sauna can reduce stretch marks? With this article, I would like to take a closer look behind the scenes and find out if there is anything to it. Let’s find out together what the research says about it and whether you can really reduce stretch marks with sauna.

Why consider saunas as a menopausal symptom therapy?

Taking a sauna against menopausal symptoms: Truth or myth?

Maybe you have heard about the positive effects of sauna on menopausal symptoms, but you are not sure if this is really possible or just a myth? Don’t worry, this post will tell you everything you need to know about whether and how saunas can actually help with menopausal symptoms. We will take you into the fascinating world of the sauna and explain why a visit to the sauna can be of great importance for women in menopause.

Why sauna has such a beneficial effect on our emotional life

How the sauna can influence our emotional life

Sauna is a beneficial way to relieve stress and relax body and mind. But few people know that the sauna is also an effective way to influence our emotional life. In this article I will show you how the sauna can help manage our emotions, move us to a positive attitude and strengthen us on a physical and mental level.

Introduction to the sauna secret

Sauna secret revealed: the best time of day for a hot visit!

It’s no longer a secret: there is a best time of day for a hot sauna session! Now is the time to dispel all the myths and rumors surrounding the optimal sauna experience and find out when is the perfect time to visit the sauna to make the most of it. This post will help you find the best time of day for your sauna visit!