Sauna variety – Discover the fascinating world of saunas

Are you ready to dive into the fascinating world of sauna and learn about its various possibilities?
Sauna Variety - Discover the fascinating world of saunas
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Sauna Variety – Discover the Fascinating World of Saunas

Taking a sauna is not only a traditional Nordic custom, but a popular wellness ritual worldwide. The variety of sauna types offers everyone the opportunity to find a sauna that suits their personal needs and preferences. In this article, we explore the fascinating world of saunas and introduce some of the most interesting sauna types.

The Finnish sauna

The Finnish sauna is the epitome of the classic sauna. With high temperatures between 80°C (176 °F) and 100°C (212 °F) and a low humidity of about 10%, it allows for an intense sweating experience. The wooden sauna offers an authentic and traditional space for relaxation and recreation.

The earth sauna – powerful sweating from the earth

Unique and original is the earth sauna, which is embedded in the earth. An impressive heat of up to 110°C (230 °F) is generated by a floor pan with hot stones. The log cabin surrounding the sauna gives it a rustic atmosphere and makes sweating a powerful experience.

The stone sauna – A bath in minerals

In the stone sauna, mineral stones are heated and placed in a tub of cold water. When the stones release their minerals, they disperse as aerosols throughout the room. This gently raises the temperature and humidity, allowing for a pleasant sauna bath at about 65°C (149 °F).

The Kelo sauna – sauna enjoyment in a historic log cabin

The Kelo sauna, a Finnish log cabin sauna made of 500-year-old Kelo logs, offers a very special sauna experience. At 100°C (212 °F), you can still breathe freely here and relax in the midst of fresh wood scents.

Bio sauna or saunarium – relaxation with all senses

The bio-sauna or saunarium is ideal for sauna novices, children, and people with high blood pressure. At mild temperatures of 45°C (113 °F) to 60°C (140 °F) and a humidity of about 50%, the sauna bath becomes a sensual experience, supported by light, colors, sounds, and music.

The Roman steam bath – purification and pampering

The Roman steam bath is characterized by a high humidity of 100%. Here the respiratory tract is cleansed, the circulation is stimulated and the skin pores open. The humid warmth gives a feeling of security and pampering.

The herbal sauna – a fragrance experience in the sauna

With its pleasant temperatures around 60°C (140 °F), the herbal sauna belongs to the low-temperature saunas. Fresh herbal scents enchant the room and unfold their beneficial effects through breathing, which makes it particularly suitable for sauna novices.

The Tepidarium – Gentle strengthening of the immune system

The tepidarium offers a mild heat of only 40°C (104 °F), which strengthens the immune system without stressing the circulation. This sauna is ideal for those looking for a gentle wellness option, such as seniors.

The Laconium – Mild sweating pleasure

The Laconium captivates by its mild heat of about 60°C (140 °F) . Those who find it too hot in the traditional sauna can enjoy a pleasant sweating experience here, which should not last longer than 15 minutes.

The Hammam – Oriental magic for body and soul

The Hammam, also called Turkish steam bath, offers a unique experience with very high humidity. The focus here is on cleansing the body, and spending time in this steamy ambience has a beneficial effect on both body and mind.


The variety of saunas is impressive and offers the right sauna experience for every taste and need. From the classic Finnish sauna to the oriental hammam, there are countless ways to enjoy the relaxing and health-promoting effects of sauna bathing. Whether intensive sweating, gentle warmth or sensual wellness enjoyment, the different types of saunas invite you to a varied journey of discovery. So dive into the world of saunas and enjoy the beneficial effects for body and mind!


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