Relaxation methods against stress

Relaxation methods for body and mind. There are very many relaxation techniques that we can use as a balance for professional or private demands. Some of them can be easily integrated into the daily work routine.
Relaxation methods against stress

Relaxation methods against stress

Relaxation methods briefly explained. In the long run, our body cannot achieve the top performance that we have to cope with every day without periods of rest. Sometimes, our body, mind and soul need a balance in the form of rest and serenity. The editors have put together a few techniques that you can also learn or perform.

Movement – relaxation and technique

First, there are the techniques that depend on the right movement. In yoga, for example, you relax by stretching muscles as well as ligaments and maintaining balance. In Pilates, you tense only certain parts of the body while completing an effective muscle workout. Qigong is an ancient part of Chinese medicine and relaxes the body and mind through gentle movements. Tai-chi is actually a martial art that is now used to unwind from everyday life.

All these techniques work by requiring you to concentrate on a specific movement. This way, you don’t have a chance to think about your stressful everyday life. Just think about the often complicated exercises in yoga. Can you really stand on one leg, stretch your arms and think about your tax return at the same time?

Mental training and meditation

It’s a different story with techniques that encourage you to engage in mental contemplation. In autogenic training, for example, you focus on a single word. This, too, is designed to stop the mental merry-go-round. In self-hypnosis, you put yourself in a trance. You can “just” relax in the process, or you can pursue a specific goal. Meditation works similarly. You adopt a relaxed posture and switch off your thoughts. In breathing therapy, you consciously control your breathing. Special techniques ensure that your body and mind relax.

What all these techniques have in common is that they require a certain amount of practice. You can learn them either on the Internet or through books. The benefits of these techniques are usually well researched. If you relax regularly, you stay healthy. Health insurance companies have also recognized this. That’s why they generously subsidize many of these courses as prevention courses. Just ask the staff in charge. They will be happy to give you a directory of all these courses in your town.

Relax with a massage

But it’s also possible without learning at all. When you enjoy a massage, for example, it is primarily your muscles that are relaxed. The rest will come naturally. When you read, you immerse yourself in a story and let it come alive in front of your mind. There are also special relaxation techniques and relaxation exercises. They require little prior knowledge and can be applied almost anywhere.

Whatever you choose, it is important that you engage in the technique. You must follow the instructions very carefully and should not be afraid of unfamiliar things. Also, you should use the exercises regularly. But this should not be a problem – after all, you are relaxing in the process.

Hopefully, we have found the right relaxation method for you. If you haven’t been able to make a decision yet, follow the respective link.


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