Hygiene measures in the sauna: a comprehensive guide

Sauna is a place of relaxation and recreation for many people. The warm ambience, the scent of wood and essential oils, the feeling of sweat beads on the skin - all this contributes to the well-being. But besides all these wonderful aspects, there is one that is often overlooked, but is of crucial importance: sauna hygiene. But why is sauna hygiene so important?
From preparation to maintenance: how to ensure a clean sauna experience
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The 3 most important steps for optimal sauna hygiene

  • A refreshing shower gets rid of dirt and sweat and optimally prepares the skin for the sauna heat.
  • The use of sauna towels or pads prevents direct skin contact and protects the wood from moisture and bacteria.
  • Continuous maintenance keeps the sauna hygienic and ensures a safe and enjoyable experience for all visitors.

Why hygiene is important in the sauna

The sauna is not only a place to relax, but also a place where hygiene is of utmost importance. Bacteria and fungi can easily multiply in the warm and humid environment, which can lead to skin infections and other health problems. Therefore, to ensure the most pleasant and healthy sauna experience, you should follow certain hygiene measures.

From preparation to maintenance: here’s how to ensure a clean sauna experience

Preparation: Take a shower before going to the sauna

Before you enjoy the soothing warmth of the sauna, you should make some preparations. Start with a refreshing shower to rid the body of dirt and sweat. This not only optimally prepares the skin for sauna sessions, but also prevents unpleasant body odors that can intensify in the warm air. After showering, it is important to dry yourself thoroughly. Damp skin doesn’t sweat as quickly and can interfere with the sauna experience.

Protect the sauna benches

Sauna benches are particularly susceptible to bacteria and microbes because they come into direct contact with the skin. Therefore, it is essential to always use a suitable pad. A cotton seat cloth is ideal for this purpose, as it can absorb a large amount of water and still remain pleasantly dry. In this way, you protect the wood from sweat and prevent the spread of germs.

The correct cleaning of the sauna

The wood of a sauna is very sensitive to moisture. Therefore, the sauna should never be cleaned with large amounts of water. A damp cloth is sufficient for daily care. For heavier soiling, you can use special sauna cleaners, which were developed for the sensitive sauna wood. Always follow the instructions for use. The sauna floor should also be cleaned regularly and thoroughly, especially in commercial saunas.

Note: After each cleaning, the sauna should be well aired to remove excess moisture and provide a fresh climate.

Care of the sauna heater

Lime or water stains on the sauna heater can affect the appearance of your sauna. Remove them regularly with a brush. In addition, it is advisable to change the stones of the heater once a year if you use it frequently to ensure optimal heat output.

Maintenance of the sauna door

The door is an important part of every sauna. Regularly check the screw connections of the door handles and oil the hinges. If necessary, these can be readjusted to ensure proper closing of the door.


A visit to the sauna is a treat for body and soul. But only with the right hygiene measures can it become an all-round pleasant experience. Follow our tips and enjoy your sauna to the fullest!


According to a survey conducted by the German Sauna Association in 2022, around 20 million people in Germany visit a sauna every year. The survey also revealed that most sauna visitors (70%) rate hygiene in the sauna as important or very important.

Our recommendation: the 3 most popular sauna towels on Amazon


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