
Why does the sauna have to be made of wood?

Why wood is the best choice to create a perfect sauna climate

In today’s fast-paced world, more and more people are looking for ways to escape from everyday stress and regenerate body and mind. The sauna has proven to be an oasis of relaxation, combining centuries-old traditions with modern wellness concepts. But with all the architectural options available to us, one crucial question remains: why does the sauna have to be made of wood?

Are sauna visits safe for older people?

Taking a sauna in old age: health benefits and safety tips for seniors

Taking a sauna is a soothing and relaxing ritual that people of all ages enjoy. But what about older sauna-goers? Are they able to use the sauna safely and reap the health benefits? In this article, we highlight the suitability of the sauna for seniors and provide important safety tips, so they can enjoy this wellness experience without worry.

Why sauna has such a beneficial effect on our emotional life

How the sauna can influence our emotional life

Sauna is a beneficial way to relieve stress and relax body and mind. But few people know that the sauna is also an effective way to influence our emotional life. In this article I will show you how the sauna can help manage our emotions, move us to a positive attitude and strengthen us on a physical and mental level.