Strengthen immune system in the sauna

A regular sauna session strengthens and trains our immune system. For many sauna fans it is also an important contribution to the prevention of diseases.
Sauna strengthens and hardens our immune system

Sauna strengthens and hardens our immune system

Strengthen immune system in sauna. Do you feel like you get sick quickly? Then it could be that your immune system is a bit weak. The body’s defenses simply let too many pathogens through. But don’t worry, you can easily do something about it yourself. You don’t have to torture yourself for that. Healthy sweating alone will get your body’s defenses up and running, but it won’t solve your problem. We show you what else you can do to protect your body from annoying viruses and germs.

Fitness training for your killer cells

You sweat in the sauna because you are warm. So warm, in fact, that your body thinks it has a fever. That’s why it sends out its killer cells, which immediately hunt down pathogens. This has two effects on your organism. First, all viruses and germs are killed. On the other hand, your killer cells are challenged and trained during this mission. If you sauna regularly, they will soon become little power packs that don’t give attackers a chance.

Strengthen your defenses

In the sauna, your defenses even get a real boost. Because there is another mechanism at work: you take your body out of its comfort zone. First, you relax in the pleasant warmth. But then you go outside and take a cold shower. In this way, your body learns to adapt to changing circumstances. This in turn strengthens your defenses. After all, we humans are often hit by pathogens when it is particularly cold or warm. That’s because the body is busy with everything but fighting off pathogens at these times. But if you train it, it can cope better with such extremes – and can concentrate on its other tasks.

Eat healthy

Sweating alone helps, but it’s not enough. You have to be good to your organism in other ways as well. Because even if you eat mostly burgers and fries, you’re keeping your body unnecessarily busy. Because it must somehow get rid of the acids and the fat. At the same time, it also lacks vitamins and you are weakened. Pathogens have an easy game with such a diet.

So pay attention to your diet. You don’t have to give up the little sins completely – but it should be more than one apple a day. There is a very simple rule: eat green vegetables, such as broccoli, once a day. They contain many important substances that strengthen your immune system. In addition, you should eat about five handfuls of fruit and other vegetables. If you also avoid alcohol and sugary foods as much as possible, nothing can really go wrong.

Get off the sofa and move YOURSELF!

But it’s not just a matter of diet. If you want to strengthen your immune system, you should also exercise regularly. It doesn’t have to be a marathon. But light endurance training once a week is appropriate. By the way, this also helps your body to cope with small dietary sins.

When it has to be more

Sometimes your immune system will go down the drain even if you follow the three tips above. In this case, home remedies may help you. Here, too, vitamins are especially important. You’ve probably heard your parents tell you to eat lots of lemons and oranges when you have a cold. And there’s some truth to that. As soon as the temperatures drop into the single digits, you should take a vitamin C regimen. Eat oranges every day and add lemon juice to your mineral water. Also, drink lots of hot beverages. They increase the temperature of your body and in this way activate the killer cells.

Sleep is a basic need and elixir of life

Then, during the cold season, you should always take a break and get enough sleep. Your body needs all its strength to fight off viruses and germs. So don’t work too long and avoid all-night weekends as often as you can. In addition, you can go to the solarium a few times during the dark season. Yes, it’s not really great for your skin. But we are not talking about several hours a week. Ten to 15 minutes is perfectly sufficient. The light activates the production of vitamin D – which in turn supports your immune system in its important work.

Plant power for your immune system

You can also support the development of your immune system with homeopathy. The active ingredients from plants have plenty of power to help you get through critical phases in good health. Echinacea in particular contains many valuable substances. In recent years, studies have also shown that galangal, taiga root and ginseng can strengthen the immune system. How you take the substances is entirely up to you.

You can buy teas and drops in pharmacies or health food stores. Pharmacies also offer ready-mixed tinctures. They contain many active ingredients, all of which strengthen the body’s defenses. Be sure to follow the recommended dosages. Because even if homeopathy relies on low doses of active ingredients, you can overdose them. In addition, you should take the remedies regularly.

However, you do not have to do this all year round. It is enough to support your body in this way during the flu season. But even if you are going on a trip to an unfamiliar climate, you should not do without such help. In addition to extreme temperatures, unfamiliar germs in these countries pose a particular challenge to your body.

Help from the pharmacy

Sometimes, however, none of this helps. Especially if you work a lot with people, your defenses will fail from time to time. However, you can try to get through the flu season with restorative cures of the pharmacy. Various effervescent tablets and pills are available without a prescription. All products have one thing in common: you have to use them preventively. There is no such thing as a miracle pill that will protect you from your office neighbor’s flu. But if you start your cure at the same time as the flu wave, you will achieve good results. But do not forget to follow the other tips. Medication alone will not do the trick.


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