Sick after the sauna

Sauna baths are known worldwide for their relaxing and therapeutic properties. They promote blood circulation, relax the muscles and can strengthen the immune system. Nevertheless, some sauna users report that they feel unwell after a visit to the sauna and experience symptoms of illness.
Three important strategies for a symptom-free sauna visit
© saunazeit

Three strategies for a pain-free sauna visit

Hydration: an important aspect for well-being

If you feel unwell after a sauna session, this is often due to dehydration. To prevent this, it is important to drink enough fluids before and after a sauna session. This helps to compensate for fluid loss through sweating, supports the body’s temperature regulation and promotes general well-being. Avoid drinks containing caffeine and alcohol, as these can increase dehydration, and instead opt for water or electrolyte-containing drinks to ensure optimal hydration.

Adjust the duration and intensity of your sauna visit

As the tolerance of sauna heat varies from person to person, everyone should adapt the duration and temperature of their sauna visit to their personal needs. For beginners, shorter sauna sessions of around 5 to 10 minutes are recommended, which can be gradually extended. Choosing a lower temperature in the sauna can also help to soften the intensity of the experience. In this way, overheating and discomfort can be avoided, and the sauna session becomes a pleasant and health-promoting experience.

Aftercare and recovery after a sauna session

An often underestimated, but important strategy for a pain-free sauna session is proper aftercare and recovery. After leaving the sauna, you should take time to let your body cool down slowly. A cool shower, resting in a relaxed environment and avoiding direct physical exertion all contribute to regeneration. This resting phase allows the body to recover from the extreme conditions of the sauna session and restore its natural balance. Wearing comfortable clothing and resting after a sauna session can also improve your general well-being and prevent possible complaints such as headaches or tiredness.

Pay attention to your body’s signals

Pay attention to your own physical reactions during and after a sauna session. If symptoms such as discomfort, dizziness, or nausea occur, you should leave the sauna immediately and allow yourself sufficient rest. People with health restrictions, such as heart problems, low blood pressure or pregnancy, should seek medical advice before visiting the sauna.

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