Our 10 sauna tips for beginners
A visit to the sauna can be a wonderful opportunity to relax the body and mind while promoting good health. Although saunas have been practiced for centuries, newcomers sometimes feel unsure when it comes to sauna culture and etiquette. That’s why we’ve compiled ten valuable sauna tips for beginners that will help you make the most of your first sauna session. Immerse yourself in the world of warmth relaxation, and revitalization. We’ll show you how to behave properly in the sauna and make the most of your wellness journey.
1. Shower
Before visiting a sauna, it is important to clean your body from dirt and sweat. Therefore, before taking a sauna, it is important to shower off first. After showering, the body should be dried thoroughly with a towel. Furthermore, it should be noted that a towel must always be present in the sauna. You should never sit on the wooden benches with bare skin.
2. The first sauna session
For your first sauna session, it is best to lie down on a bench so that your circulation can get used to the heat. If you prefer to sit, then you can pull your legs to your body. However, in the last three minutes you should sit down again.
3. Cooling down after the sauna session
After taking a sauna, it is important to cool down your body. Cooling down can be done with the help of fresh air or cold water. The very brave can cool down in an ice-cold plunge pool. But cold showers can also provide sufficient cooling. A foot bath with warm water can be helpful. Health is promoted after the sauna session only if cooling down is done with enough cold water and fresh air.
4. Rest
After the first sauna session and the corresponding cooling down, it is recommended that you give your body some rest. Such a break promotes relaxation. Here you should listen to the needs of your body above all.
5. Repetition
If you want to do more sauna sessions, follow the above procedure. To experience health benefits, three sauna sessions are sufficient.
6. Drink a lot
Since you will sweat a lot in the sauna and your body will therefore lose a lot of fluids, it is advisable to drink enough fluids. For this purpose, still water or mineral water, which has a high magnesium content, is best. However, it should be noted that drinking should be done only after the sauna visit. Alcohol is strictly forbidden.
7. Skin care
After a sauna session, the skin is optimally prepared for subsequent procedures. Especially rich and nourishing masks are recommended after the sauna session. Aggressive peelings and lotions should be avoided. The heat opens the pores, allowing grease and impurities to escape from the skin. The cold air after the sauna causes the pores to contract again, and the skin texture is refined. Before the sauna session, the skin should be cleansed of dirt and make-up residues. During the individual sauna sessions, gentle peelings can help to remove the dead skin cells.
8. How often should the sauna be visited?
The question of how typically to sauna depends on your own state of health. If you suffer from circulatory problems or similar diseases, it is advisable to discuss the number of sauna visits with your doctor. However, sauna visits should not be made more than once or twice a week. A sauna bath should never last longer than 15 minutes. On the other hand, a sauna visit lasting between eight and 12 minutes is optimal and recommended.
9. Never go to the sauna with hunger
Before taking a sauna, it is important that the stomach is not too full. At the same time, there should be no feeling of hunger. These two conditions will only make you feel uncomfortable in the sauna. This hinders successful relaxation while taking a sauna. If you have eaten too little, this can even lead to circulatory problems in the sauna.
10. Listen to your body feeling
If you feel unwell during your sauna visit and, for example, experience dizziness, then you should leave the sauna and get some fresh air.