How do I protect my hair in the sauna?

With frequent sauna sessions, the dry heat can permanently damage your hair by drying it out. We give you some tips on how to reduce this dryness and protect your hair while in the sauna.
Why should I protect my hair in the sauna?

Why should I protect my hair in the sauna?

Why should we protect our head from overheating in the sauna? A sauna hat is irreplaceable in Finland as soon as you go to the sauna. It protects the hair, scalp, and ears from excessive heat. But also in Germany, this fashion trend has become an enrichment of sauna.

While the heat is not harmful to healthy hair per se. Nevertheless, the pores widen and the hair loses moisture. This is especially bad for colored, treated and dry hair. They look dull and may suffer damage in the long run. But to give up the pleasure in the cozy warmth because of that? This is not an option, after all, the sauna bath has many benefits for your health. So the mane must be protected. We’ll tell you how to do it easily.

Last minute solution: the towel

You spontaneously decide to go to the sauna? Then you don’t have to do without protection. Just pack an extra towel in your bag. In the shower, soak it in cold water and wrap it around your head as a turban. While doing so, your hair will get wet and the first time will be a bit uncomfortable.

But the effect of the cold turban will convince you. It provides your hair with sufficient moisture even in the hot Finnish sauna. In addition, it ensures that the pores of your mane does not expand too much.

To achieve the optimal effect, you should soak the towel again with cold water after each sauna session. After all, the turban also heats up. Of course, you can take it off during breaks.

Even more protection thanks to sauna hat and sauna cap

We admit, this fashion tip does not come from the current issue of Cosmopolitan: Wear a sauna hat made of felt in the cozy warmth. If that’s too flashy for you, you can also opt for a plainer sauna hat. The natural material insulates. This is primarily to protect your circulation, because the head is the weak point of the body and absorbs the most heat. However, the accessory also benefits their hair: Thanks to the insulation of the sauna cap and sauna hat, the heat has little chance of attacking the sensitive structures.

The right care after the sweat bath

Both towel and sauna cap and hat provide only limited protection. Your hair will be a little warmer than usual. That’s why you should care for them especially intensively after the sauna day. Apply a rich conditioner or cure in the shower. This will provide your mane with optimal moisture again. In addition, good products smooth your hair and thus ensure that the pores close again. By the way, you should refrain from blow-drying if you can. After all, the hot air would open your pores again.


The best sauna hats according to customer reviews


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