Dream job sauna master, a profession with interesting tasks

Whether in the sauna, sports center or spa hotel – sauna masters work where others relax and gather new strength. They advise and look after sauna guests and ensure order and cleanliness in the sauna facility.
Sauna master, more than just an infusion

Sauna master – A profession with interesting tasks

Get out of stress and into relaxation: Sauna is the epitome of well-being and also strengthens the immune system. Sauna masters work where others relax. They look after sauna guests, perform infusions and offer peelings. They are also responsible for the cleanliness of the sauna facilities and operate and monitor the technical equipment.

Most sauna guests are familiar with this image: during an infusion, the sauna master comes in and makes an infusion over the sauna heater. How he or she does it, in what clothes and with what accessories, such as huge fans, there are no limits to the imagination. And there are now real competitions of sauna masters.” The show must go on”.

Few people know that the sauna masters are also active behind the scenes. Sauna masters turn on the sauna at the start of operation and make sure that everything runs smoothly, and that guests can relax and enjoy themselves in the sauna. Sauna masters are also responsible for cleanliness and order in the sauna.

Tasks and activities of sauna masters

Infusions and heating up the sauna heater – these are the main tasks of a sauna master. In the meantime, the gentlemen and ladies outdo each other with their performances. Infusions often have a specific theme or motto: they include an aromatic oil and often also sounds and small treats, such as ice cream or a menthol candy. Peelings also take place more and more often as part of a sauna session. Mixing these and handing them to the guests is done by the sauna master.

Less romantic is the observance of cleanliness and hygienic regulations in the sauna area. Water samples must be taken and tested. Sauna masters educate guests about the health effects of saunas and provide advice on the optimal length of stay and information about additional services. Sauna masters advise high-risk patients of potential dangers of sauna use.

Sauna masters supervise sauna operations and ensure that guests comply with house rules and safety regulations. In emergencies, they provide first aid. Administrative tasks are also part of the job of the sauna master: preparing accounts or keeping visitor statistics.

These are the tasks and activities performed by sauna masters:

  • Heating the sauna, monitoring the temperature of the sauna rooms and water pools
  • Advise sauna guests
  • Ensure safety, hygiene, and cleanliness of the sauna, buildings, pools and other parts of the facility
  • Carry out administrative activities
  • Participate in promotional and marketing activities of the sauna facility

Places of work of sauna masters

Sauna masters advise and look after sauna guests and ensure the proper condition of the sauna facilities. To this end, they are employed in a wide variety of facilities.

Here is where sauna masters find employment:

  • In saunas
  • leisure pools and municipal indoor pools
  • sports centers and fitness facilities with saunas
  • spa and wellness hotels with their own saunas
  • sanatoriums and rehabilitation clinics

The daily routine of a sauna master

Sauna masters usually work 40 hours a week. The working hours depend on the facility in which they work. This means that they may sometimes be on duty at weekends or in the evenings. In return, a sauna master has other days off. Hotels, but also leisure pools and saunas are open every day, so even on Sundays and holidays.

Working hours:

  • Workdays
  • Weekend and holiday work
  • Evenings

Since most of the work is done in the sauna and requires physical exertion, work clothes are light. Female sauna masters often wear a bathing suit and a sauna towel around their hips. Gentlemen flex their muscles and go topless, at least for the infusions.

Depending on the shift, a sauna master’s day begins with heating up the sauna heater and checking the temperature of the sauna rooms, steam baths and water basins. Then infusions and scrubs are prepared and provided or done by themselves. In between, sauna guests come with questions and ask for advice on, for example, the optimal time to spend in the sauna or when the cold water pool, foot baths and rest periods are useful.

A sauna master is familiar with the effects of sauna bathing on health and can point out possible dangers to high-risk guests. In the event of misbehavior by guests, he or she will intervene and provide first aid if necessary. In case of malfunctions, a repair service is to be ordered. In the evening, when the sauna is closed, cleaning and disinfection work must still be carried out or supervised. In addition, there may be administrative work, such as collecting admission fees, recording visitor statistics or documenting operating data. Sauna masters also play an active role in the facility’s advertising and marketing activities.

What skills does a sauna master need?

If you’ve read this far, it’s clear that sauna masters are all-rounders. The job goes far beyond occasionally tipping a ladle of water over the heater and waving a towel. Sauna masters need a wide range of talents and skills. Up to six infusions per day require a good physical condition.

Sauna masters are a bit of a jack-of-all-trades, health and wellness experts, and entertainers. Dealing with guests often requires tact. In addition, sauna masters must be familiar with the technology of the sauna, steam bath and pools. More and more, guests expect show and event infusions with changing fragrances and waving techniques: Sauna masters have to constantly educate themselves.

What does a sauna master earn?

What a sauna master earns often depends on his training. For example, many sauna masters are masseurs or medical bath attendants, with additional training as a sauna master. A gross salary in the public sector pay scale ranges from 2,775 euros to 3,078 euros per month. (Source: Collective agreement for the public service, as of 2020)

Training as a sauna master

Sauna master is not an apprenticeship, and even career changers can train becoming a sauna master. The further training is particularly suitable for employees in spa and wellness facilities, saunas, thermal baths or swimming pools. There are already training courses with a duration of 3 days. They end with a certificate.

Contents of the training:

  • Different sauna types
  • Course of the infusions
  • Infusion and frizzling technique
  • Medical basics in the musculoskeletal system and neurology
  • Anatomy/physiology/pathology
  • Hygiene
  • Emergency and first aid


Training to become a sauna master

The book author provides you with well-founded knowledge for your daily work, as well as diverse references to international technical papers and legal texts. The motto: A good sauna master should not instruct, but convey comprehensibly and act comprehensibly! Christian Dohrn promises you that you will be able to answer all the technical questions of your guests with confidence and to cope with every situation in the sauna business. If you wish, you can learn the skills of the craftsman in a one-day seminar …

Ausbildung zum Saunameister: Praxisorientiertes Lehr- und...


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