Stress Reduction

Medical certificate for sauna visits after childbirth

Soothing sauna visits after giving birth: a guide for new mothers

The birth of a child is a turning point in a woman’s life, characterized by joy, change and new challenges. While attention is often focused on the well-being of the newborn, the importance of maternal rest and self-care often remains in the background. In this context, the question arises of effective and accessible ways for new mothers to regenerate both physically and mentally. One of these options can be a visit to a sauna, a traditional means of promoting health and well-being.

Why a flat stomach from 40?

Tips for a flat stomach from 40

You are over 40 and finally want to have a flat stomach? Then we have the perfect tips for you! Learn here how to tone your tummy and slim your waist with the right diet and exercise.

The therapeutic benefits of hydrotherapy for your health and well-being

The therapeutic applications of hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy specifically uses the healing power of water. It offers many options for the treatment of acute and chronic diseases, including hot and cold baths, casts or alternating baths. Here you will learn interesting facts about the application areas of the refreshing, relaxing and healing water therapy.