Health problems

Dehydration refers to the lack of fluid in the body

Dehydration: warning signs of fluid deficiency

Depending on our age, our body consists of about 50 to 80 percent water and therefore needs a particularly large amount of fluid. Even a fluid loss of three percent can have a significant impact on a person’s physical and mental functioning. This shows what a crucial role water plays in our lives. Although our bodies send warning signals to us when we are dehydrated, these are not always easy to recognize.

Why cola and sauna can be a dangerous team

Cola and sauna: a dangerous duo for your health?

For many people, the combination of cola and sauna is a way to relax and quench their thirst. But the question arises whether this popular combination may have dangerous effects on health. Is it possible that cola and sauna together can form a risky duo and affect the physical condition? In this article, we’ll take a closer look at what effects this combination can have and whether caution is advised.