Conscious breathing is a form of meditation

Meditation can also be practiced through conscious breathing exercises. This practice of conscious breathing will help you center yourself, improve your ability to concentrate, and calm your hectic thoughts. You can practice these breathing exercises just about anywhere and at any time of the day. Even experienced meditators often begin their meditation by focusing their attention on their breathing. In this way, one experiences a state of inner peace.
What is conscious breathing?

What is conscious breathing?

The use of conscious breathing, also known as mindfulness breathing, is a simple exercise in which you focus on your own breathing. Of all the automatic processes the body performs, only a few can be controlled. Breathing is one of them. In doing so, you can not only regulate your breathing, but also consciously perceive it. This is a unique way to deepen the connection between your physical self and your spiritual self.

There are no “absolute” guidelines for performing breathing exercises, although there are special learning programs that teach guided breathing meditations. There are definitely strategies for breathing meditation that can help you learn, but ultimately the power of conscious breathing will always lie with yourself.

For whom is this method most suitable?

Everyone can benefit from practicing conscious or mindful breathing. So people who tend to feel overwhelmed, anxious or stressed could benefit greatly from this physical exercise in their daily lives.

Mindful breathing and stress

Whenever we doubt our own resilience in the face of problems, we experience the stress that can eventually lead to a nervous breakdown. Through practice, we learn to recognize when a thought enters and leaves our consciousness. From this can come a sense of serenity and calm. The body tension drops instantly. Mind and body are intertwined, and when we relax our physical self, our mental thoughts do too.

The benefits of conscious or meditative breathing

Conscious breathing has several benefits for the body and mind:

  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Improved attention
  • Reduction of stress and anxiety symptoms
  • Improved night sleep
  • Increased feeling of relaxation and inner peace


How does mindful breathing meditation work?

You only need ten to fifteen minutes of time during which you will not be disturbed. If you are just starting mindful breathing, the optimal time of day to do it is either in the morning before you get up or in the evening before you go to bed. A lying or sitting position with a straight back is best, whether you are sitting in a chair or in bed.

Here is a breathing exercise with significant therapeutic potential. It has a very vitalizing effect, increases alertness and allows you to get rid of tension and negative thoughts. With your back straight, chest up, eyes closed and hands on your knees, the following exercise should be performed:

  • Inhale through the nose for 4 seconds
  • Hold breath for 8 seconds
  • Exhale through the mouth for 4 seconds
  • Hold your breath, empty your lungs for 8 seconds
  • Repeat this breathing sequence

Five minutes of this exercise, whenever you feel the urge, will bring you amazing benefits and help you discover the therapeutic effects of breath. You can extend the duration of the exercise to 10 minutes.

Mindful breathing exercises require training

It will take some time to fully learn this breathing method. We don’t always breathe consciously, and when we practice mindfulness, our brains like to distract us with many things. Negative emotions, unpleasant thoughts and tasks to be done might invade your mind. However, this is all part of the learning process.

Purchase tip: Meditative breath relaxation

Frequently asked questions

How do you define mindful breathing?

Conscious breathing means concentrating one hundred percent on the breathing process. In this way you strengthen the connection between your body and your soul. This is because breathing is one of the few bodily functions that can be controlled, although it is automatic.

Just as your eyes are always blinking, your breathing never stands still. Breathing, including the depth and duration of each breath, can be regulated, just as blinking can be controlled. When you focus on breathing, you feel more in tune with your body and mind, which in turn has a healing effect on us.

How long should one breathe consciously?

It’s up to you to decide how much time you want to spend optimizing your breathing. It’s perfectly fine to take a few minutes at work between phone calls or during a break. Or take five to seven minutes at home to relax. Find a posture that you feel comfortable with, and then start doing the exercises.

How do I practice conscious breathing?

The practice of conscious breathing can be done at any time and in any place. The first steps to conscious breathing are simple. Interrupt your current activity and slowly come to rest. Make sure your body relaxes and focus your attention on your breathing.

Try to breathe deeply through your nose, counting to four. Hold your breath for the next four counts. Now count to four again and gently let the breath flow from your lips until you are back to zero. Hold your breath for a total of four more counts and then begin the process again. This form of breathing, also called box breathing or square breathing, is an excellent first practice approach to conscious breathing.

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