Can I go to the sauna with hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are a common condition that people don't like to talk about. The symptoms are accompanied by itching, burning and blood in the stool. Do you like to go to the sauna? Then you are probably wondering if this is possible with a hemorrhoid problem. We would like to get to the bottom of this question here.
Can I go to the sauna with hemorrhoids

Should I avoid sauna visits if I suffer from hemorrhoids?

Sauna bathing has a relaxing effect and promotes blood circulation. It strengthens the immune system and can protect against diseases. Especially in winter, many people do not want to miss the sauna. The high temperatures are then perceived as particularly pleasant. But are you actually allowed to go to the sauna if you suffer from hemorrhoids? Or could the heat and sweating make the symptoms worse?

What are hemorrhoids?

Basically, hemorrhoids are nothing pathological. Every person has the ring-shaped blood vessel pads in the anal area. Together with the sphincter muscle, they have the task of controlling bowel movements. They are found between the anus and the rectum. Originally, the term comes from the Greek and means something like “blood flow”. The blood vessel pads function in a similar way to erectile tissue: by causing the blood vessel pads to swell, stool can be retained in the intestine.

Defecation is only possible when the blood swells. There are nerves in the rectum that signal the body’s urge to defecate. When the stimulus to defecate is felt, it is possible to make the erectile tissue slacken voluntarily. Then the stool can pass.

The vascular cushions cause discomfort only when the blood accumulates in them. In this case, they can no longer swell. Inevitably, unpleasant hemorrhoid problems then arise: they begin to bleed, push their way out of the anus in the form of cramping nodules, or itch. This problem is often accompanied by unpleasant feelings of pressure and pain. Mucous secretions as well as burning and oozing at the anus can also indicate hemorrhoidal disease. A hemorrhoid is visible by bright red blood on the toilet paper and stool.

Such hemorrhoidal disease can be divided into four degrees of severity: In the early stages, the condition is still quite easy to combat. You often only need to adjust your lifestyle and diet. In later stages, creams, ointments and suppositories can then be used. In severe cases, surgery is the only option.

Can I go to the sauna with hemorrhoids?

Many people who suffer from hemorrhoid symptoms wonder if a sauna visit would still be okay. The answer to the question depends on the severity of the condition. In the case of mild symptoms, there is nothing to be said against a sauna visit. On the contrary, sauna bathing boosts circulation and the heart. Therefore, it even has a healing effect on the complaints.

Caution is advised in the case of advanced hemorrhoids. This is because the heat can cause the blood vessel pads to ooze, itch and burn even more. Especially if the skin mantle is already cracked, it becomes dangerous: The combination of increased anal secretion and sweat can then promote inflammation.

And what’s the truth behind the rumor that hemorrhoids get even bigger because of the heat? In this respect, we can give the all-clear. Of course, the heat promotes blood circulation. However, it does not increase the size of the hemorrhoid pads. So in this respect you have nothing to fear.

Treatment with creams or ointments

Mild hemorrhoids can often be treated with commercially available medications. These are available over-the-counter in pharmacies. For example, ointments, creams and suppositories are available. It is important that the medication is selected according to the symptoms. If the hemorrhoid disease is accompanied by excruciating and severe pain, a visit to the doctor is of course always recommended.

However, quick relief is then also provided by medications containing a local anesthetic, such as lidocaine. These creams care for the skin with a skin protection complex. It covers the stressed anal region like a mantle. This provides better protection against irritation, which can occur during defecation, for example. At the same time, ointments and creams can help to shorten the duration of acute symptoms.

The recurrence of symptoms is also delayed. A natural alternative for the treatment of hemorrhoid symptoms are ointments with witch hazel. The ointments and creams are usually spread on the anal region with a finger. However, there are also ointments that are applied to the anal canal using an applicator.

5 Home remedies to relieve hemorrhoids

There are many treatment options for hemorrhoids. From a simple sit bath in the bathtub or in the form of effective home remedies that even our grandma knew. We have compiled 5 home remedies for you, where the symptoms of hemorrhoids can be relieved.

  1. Warm sit baths can relieve the irritation caused by hemorrhoids. You can do this in the bathtub, or you can take a small plastic tub to hand. It is most effective to do this after every bowel movement. A sit bath of 15 to 20 minutes is enough. Adding Epsom salt to the bath can provide further relief.
  2. Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer. Applying coconut oil can reduce irritation and swelling, and thereby then relieve pain.
  3. Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce irritation. However, you should only use pure aloe vera gel for hemorrhoids. Additives and preservatives can make symptoms worse. Some people are allergic to aloe vera. Check your allergic reaction by rubbing a cent-sized amount on your forearm. Wait 24 to 48 hours. If no reaction occurs, it should be safe to use.
  4. Cold compresses may help relieve pain for a short time. To avoid damaging your skin, wrap the ice pack in a small towel.
  5. St. John’s wort oil is a small miracle cure that provides relief for a great many ailments such as gout, rheumatism, sciatica, muscle pain, ulcers, eczema and for hemorrhoids.

These are the things you should avoid

If you are doing home treatment for hemorrhoids, you should avoid these things. Perfumed toilet paper or baby wipes, common in many households, should be avoided. The ingredients, such as chemicals or perfumes, may make symptoms worse. If you suffer from hemorrhoids then washing with soap should be taboo. This can dry out hemorrhoids even more and irritation increases. Taking blood thinning medications such as aspirin should also be avoided.

Pelvic floor exercises for prevention

Generally speaking, when your body moves, your bowels are encouraged to move as well. This is important to stimulate bowel activity and soften stools. Soft stool is the basic requirement to prevent hemorrhoid symptoms. That’s why plenty of exercise is also an excellent way to help prevent hemorrhoid problems. Endurance sports such as cycling, swimming, hiking and walking are well suited. You should avoid sports that involve jumping, bouncing or hopping.

These put too much strain on the pelvic floor. This can lead to an increase in symptoms. Consciously introduce more movement into your daily routine to alleviate or prevent hemorrhoid problems. Take a brisk walk during your lunch break and use the stairs instead of the elevator. Also, walk more often.

In addition, it is a good idea to exercise the pelvic floor in a very specific way. This can also prevent hemorrhoids. There are many exercises for this purpose. The following pelvic exercise is good for both women and men: Sit on a chair and make a round back. Now pull the muscles surrounding the anus inward.

Think of an elevator moving upward. As the elevator moves upward, take a deep breath. Then hold the tension for ten seconds. As you do this, exhale slowly. Now relax the muscles for some time. You should repeat this exercise ten times each in the morning, at noon and in the evening. The beauty of it is that it can be done anytime and anywhere.

When ointments no longer help

It can happen that ointments, creams, and suppositories no longer have the desired effect. Then hemorrhoids can become a real pain. In the worst case, those affected can hardly sit down. The vascular cushions also become prominent during physical exertion. Sometimes they can hardly be pushed back. In such cases, there is no way around surgery.

Doctors distinguish between open and closed surgical techniques. In the open technique, the doctor will remove the enlarged part of the hemorrhoidal cushions as well as part of the anal skin. In closed procedures, on the other hand, only the enlarged pads are removed, while the anal skin remains.

Relatively new is the so-called Longo method. It is used when the anal canal has not yet permanently emerged. It has the advantage of limiting pain after the operation. All procedures are performed under general anesthesia in the hospital. There are only a few doctors who treat hemorrhoids on an outpatient basis by laser or by the HAL method.

With the latter, the procedure is particularly gentle because only an endoscope is used. It is important not to delay the operation too long. Otherwise, there is a risk of chronic skin changes due to the oozing and inflammation. In addition, there may be severe blood loss and permanent damage to the sphincter muscle.


So, we conclude that hemorrhoidal disease is basically nothing out of the ordinary. Many people are affected by it at least once in their lives. The question whether you can go to the sauna with a hemorrhoid problem can generally be answered with “yes”. This is especially true for mild symptoms. However, you should refrain from going to the sauna if you are affected by advanced hemorrhoidal disease.

The heat can aggravate the oozing, which in turn promotes inflammation. In that case, it is better to treat the hemorrhoid symptoms with ointments or suppositories first. A visit to the doctor is also recommended – especially if the symptoms are more severe. Once the symptoms have subsided, you can return to the sauna without hesitation.

The content provided on is for informational purposes only and is in no way intended to replace professional advice, examination and treatment by a physician. The information may not be used for self-diagnosis or self-medication.

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