Avoid circulation problems in the sauna

How can you avoid circulatory problems in the sauna? The thought of a sudden circulatory collapse is frightening for every sauna guest. But with knowledge of the warning signs and simple preventative measures, this scenario can be avoided.
Avoid circulation problems in the sauna

How can you avoid circulatory problems in the sauna?

Avoid circulation problems in the sauna. It is the horror of every sauna guest: Suddenly you go black in the face and keel over. Circulatory problems are to blame. Especially people with pre-existing conditions are affected, but it can happen to anyone. It is important that you know the symptoms exactly. That’s why we explain them to you in detail. We will also tell you what you can do to prevent such problems in the sauna. With our tips, it won’t be too difficult for you.

What are the warning signs of impending circulatory collapse in the sauna?

Circulatory collapse is only the end of a long chain of malfunctions in the body. It always starts with hypotensive blood pressure. That is, with the blood flowing too slowly through the arteries. But this does not happen suddenly. You don’t have to be afraid that it will pull the rug out from under you all at once.

Most of the time, you’ll notice a slight flicker in your eyes at first. You don’t see so well anymore, and stars are whizzing through the picture. This is your body’s first alarm signal that something is wrong with your circulation.

If you don’t react immediately, dizziness and nausea will follow. Sometimes you also feel a sudden throbbing headache. The next stage is palpitations. This means that your heart is beating so fast that you can clearly feel it. In addition, you will probably feel that you are not getting enough air. If this is the case, fainting will follow.

Simply prevent circulation problems

These circulatory problems are not at all uncommon in the sauna. Everyone has seen paramedics trudging through the facility with a stretcher. But it does not have to come so far. You can prevent this quite simply. You have already taken the first step. You now know the discomforts that cause circulation problems. But you can also prevent them quite easily.

How can you prevent circulatory problems in the sauna by taking simple measures?

The first tip is very simple: leave the sauna as soon as the first symptoms appear. As soon as the stars start dancing in front of your eyes, you have to leave the heat – even if an infusion is in progress. There is no point in waiting. Because most of the time it does not get better. But please don’t cool off. Instead, find a bench in the fresh air and breathe deeply. You’ll see, you’ll soon feel better again. As soon as you feel completely well again, you can dare another sauna session.

On a long sauna day, you should also take enough breaks. Sweating is quite healthy, but it also exhausts your body. That’s why you should allow yourself at least half an hour’s rest in a recliner between two sauna sessions.

Short sauna sessions are good for your circulation

You should also not overdo it when it comes to the length of your sauna sessions. A quarter of an hour is perfectly adequate. A lot does not always help a lot. And don’t sweat with a buddy in a race. Neither of you will get anything out of it. All you risk is a circulatory collapse.

What applies to the length also applies to the temperature. It may be incredibly cool to endure the infusion at 212 °F (ca. 100 °C) on the top bench. But if your body can’t handle it, it’s pretty dumb. So listen carefully to yourself – and leave the sweat lodge at the first sign of discomfort.

Why is alcohol risky in the sauna and how important is sufficient hydration?

And another hint for all those who want to be cool: Please do not venture into the sweat lodge if you have been drinking alcohol. This has a negative effect on your blood vessels. The risk of collapsing in this case is quite high. We will tell you more about it in this article.

However, you should drink plenty of non-alcoholic beverages. After all, a sauna is all about sweating. You lose fluids in the process – and there’s a risk of dehydration. This can also lead to a collapse. That’s why you should drink a large glass after each sauna session. Water or tea is best. But you can also reach for cola and the like. At least when it comes to the circulation, it doesn’t matter.


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