
Sauna: time out for health and well-being

Sauna is a natural antidepressant

First and foremost, a sauna session is a time of mental and physical relaxation. Experienced sauna visitors know that the heat of the sauna has a beneficial effect on the body and mind. The temporary intense heat and subsequent cooling of the body improves the cardiovascular system. Depression is prevented or at least alleviated.

What is spring fatigue?

Can the sauna help against spring fatigue?

Why do we feel so sluggish in spring, even though the sun is shining, the flowers and trees are in full bloom, and a warm breeze is blowing? For many people, springtime fatigue makes little sense; after all, the mood should be good when the sun is shining. For some people, however, springtime fatigue is a real problem that can manifest itself in low mood, exhaustion, irritability and even despair.