
How to meditate in the sauna

Instruction: Proper meditation in the sauna

Meditating in the sauna sounds unusual at first. But on closer inspection you will notice the connections and positive effects, what exactly mediation is, how you can learn it and what are the benefits of meditating in the sauna, you will read in the following part.

How to avoid discomfort and relax safely

Why you feel bad after the sauna

The sauna, a place of relaxation and health promotion, attracts numerous visitors worldwide. However, despite the beneficial effects that a sauna session can have, some people experience unexpected discomfort afterwards, such as a feeling of discomfort. This experience raises an important question: Why do some people feel bad after a sauna session?

The sauna: a temple of tranquillity

Sauna serenity: a journey of self-discovery and mindfulness

In the midst of the cozy, enveloping warmth of the sauna, a sensual journey unfolds that goes far beyond purely physical relaxation. It is a pilgrimage to self-discovery and inner mindfulness, a path on which we gently detach ourselves from the fleeting mundanities of everyday life and glide down into the deep, unexplored waters of our own consciousness.

The sauna - a timeless refuge for body and soul

Sauna and mindfulness: a combination for deep relaxation

In our hectic everyday lives, moments of peace and relaxation are rare and precious. But there are methods that promote deep relaxation and help us to find a balance. One of these is the combination of sauna and mindfulness. This article takes you on a journey into the world of the sauna and shows how mindfulness can enrich the experience.

The body in the heat: a physical awakening

The sauna – a hot place for a more alert mind

In our fast-paced society, where stress and constant availability characterize everyday life, there is a growing longing for moments of peace and pause. The sauna as a traditional heat and relaxation bath serves not only physical, but increasingly also mental hygiene. It has become a refuge that offers more than just a break from everyday life – it is a journey to a heightened awareness.

The ritual of the sauna

Sauna: Newborn from heat and steam

A journey into the depths of our existence begins in the simple wooden chamber of the sauna. The sauna is a sacred temple where we surrender to the elemental powers of heat and steam, a place of cleansing and renewal where the burden of everyday life falls away. Amidst the soothing warmth of the air and the hissing sound of the infusion, we find ourselves in a timeless ritual that has been celebrated in many cultures for centuries.

What is mindfulness and what does it mean?

The art of mindfulness: how to use the sauna as a meditation room

Have you ever thought about using the sauna as a meditation room? The art of mindfulness is a wonderful way to calm the mind and promote relaxation. In this post we explain how you can use the sauna as a meditation room. Let’s explore the positive effects of mindfulness together and enjoy the benefits of using the sauna as a meditation space!