Make coffee scrub yourself

Coffee not only tastes good, it's also great for exfoliation. Coffee grounds contain many nourishing properties for the skin. We tell you how you can easily make a coffee scrub yourself.
Coffee peeling for a radiant complexion

Coffee peeling for a radiant complexion

Make coffee, scrub yourself. Coffee makes you beautiful. Our grandmother already knew that. The secret of the black magic potion is caffeine. It is far healthier than its reputation. Used internally, it helps to boost fat metabolism. The effect is very similar when applied externally: The stimulant is able to tighten the skin. But how can the substance be applied to the skin? Quite simply: with a coffee peeling. This way, you give the caffeine the chance to fully unfold its effect.

Coffee peeling, what exactly does it do?

Alright, we had already explained that this caffeine scrub helps keep the skin firm. But how can you imagine it exactly? Well, the awakener makes stretch marks disappear and reduces cellulite. An effect that, by the way, is visible even after the first application.

Of course, the big cosmetics companies have also recognized the magic power of coffee. That’s why you’ll find a number of products on the market that contain the stimulant. However, you don’t have to dig deep into your pocket to experience the effect. You can easily make the peeling yourself. You will have most of the ingredients at home anyway.

Make your own coffee scrub

To make your own coffee scrub, you’ll need: a cup of dry coffee grounds, half a cup of brown sugar, half a teaspoon of almond oil (available at health food stores), and ten to 15 drops of orange oil.

The preparation itself is quite simple: measure all the ingredients and put them in a large enough container. Then just stir well and the scrub is ready.

How long does a homemade coffee scrub last?

To make the mixture last longer, you should put it in a sealable container. True, there are no perishable ingredients in it. Nevertheless, you should rather store your homemade treasure in the refrigerator. This way, it will keep for about a month.

How to use the coffee scrub

The application is as simple as the preparation. Take a small amount from the jar and rub the mixture on your skin. While doing so, make circular movements. In this way, you will ensure that the peeling can fully develop its effect.

How long do you massage the scrub in?

The coffee will open your pores. This allows the valuable ingredients to penetrate deep into the skin. Your face, neck and décolleté should be well cleansed before using a mechanical peel. You can massage the peeling into the skin with circular movements and then leave it on for about 10 minutes. Afterward, gently rub the skin with lukewarm water.

How often should you use a peeling?

To achieve a lasting effect, you need to use the peeling about twice a week. If you use the peeling too often, it will make your skin more sensitive. This is because the top layer of skin, the stratum corneum, is rubbed off a bit each time. If you suffer from dry skin, you should even use the peeling only once a week and apply a skin care cream afterward.

When should I use a peeling?

After peeling, the skin becomes more sensitive to light. For this reason, peeling is best done in the evening. This gives the skin time to regenerate during the night. You will start the new day with a radiant complexion.

Does a peeling also help against pimples and acne?

Care should be taken when using a peel to treat pimples and acne. When using a mechanical peel, the microscopic abrasive particles can tear small wounds in the skin and damage it. The penetration of bacteria into the skin worsens the pimples. Therefore, peels should not be used on acne-prone skin.

DIY coffee Peeling! – DIY natural cosmetics


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