Interesting facts about the sauna broom

What is a sauna broom?

A special accessory for the sauna is the sauna broom, called Vihta in Finland and Venik in Russia. For many sauna visitors, this is mandatory. This sauna broom massages the body, giving it health, vitality and well-being.

Why sauna for more joy of life?

Taking a sauna for more joie de vivre: focus on dopamine

Would you like to increase your happiness in life and stimulate your happiness hormones in a natural way? Then you should consider sauna as a simple and natural option. In this post, you’ll learn everything you need to know about the positive effects of saunas on your body’s dopamine production and how to make the most of this beneficial heat source! Let’s find out together how you too can experience more joie de vivre through regular sauna sessions.

Science confirms: Sauna can relieve migraine symptoms

Scientific studies about the positive effects of sauna on migraine

Migraine is a common and distressing neurological condition, but it can be alleviated with the use of saunas. Recently, scientific studies have investigated the positive effects of sauna on migraine, especially on symptoms such as pain, sleep quality and energy levels. In this article, you will learn more about the remarkable results of these studies and how you can reap the benefits of regular sauna use.