What is a sauna broom?

A special accessory for the sauna is the sauna broom, called Vihta in Finland and Venik in Russia. For many sauna visitors, this is mandatory. This sauna broom massages the body, giving it health, vitality and well-being.
Interesting facts about the sauna broom

Interesting facts about the sauna broom

A sauna broom is a bundle of young tree branches used for a special massage in the sauna. The use of a sauna whisk during sauna bathing promotes blood circulation, massages the skin and is beneficial to health. During the massage, the bather whips or hits the other bather with a broom after dipping it in warm water. Sauna brooms emit a pleasant fragrance into the air of the room and provide a certain level of aromatherapy. Brooms are obtained from various tree species. The most popular are birch, oak and eucalyptus.

Different types of sauna brooms

Birch brooms help relieve pain in muscles and joints after physical activities and clean the skin of people prone to rashes. They also promote the healing of wounds and scrapes, have a calming effect and improve the general mood. The main benefit of birch brooms is that they dilate the bronchial tubes, promoting blood flow to the lungs and the release of sputum. This is especially beneficial for smokers and asthmatics. Birch leaves contain essential oils, vitamin C and A. After application, the skin looks smooth and elastic. Treatment with a birch sauna broom also benefits the scalp and hair.

Oak sauna broom is especially suitable for people with oily skin. Oak brooms make the skin look smooth and fresh. Oak leaves also have a strong anti-inflammatory effect and lower blood pressure. Oak essence calms the nervous system after intense mental and physical activity.

Linden sauna broom relieves headaches and has a mild diuretic effect. Linden leaves accelerate sweating and have a calming, wound-healing and antipyretic effect.

Eucalyptus sauna broom has a strong healing effect. Eucalyptus leaves contain up to 3% essential oils, which makes the effect extremely efficient. Eucalyptus broom is recommended for colds and sore throats. Since eucalyptus twigs have a high strength, it can be too hard for some skin. In this case, it is recommended to use mixed birch and eucalyptus sauna brooms, which combine the healing properties of these trees.

How to prepare a sauna broom for use

Dried sauna brooms must be prepared for use in the sauna. When preparing a sauna broom, you must first soak it in water to soften the leaves. There are numerous ways to accomplish this, but only one of the most popular is explained below:

  • Prepare a large tub of cold water big enough to hold a sauna broom. Place your broom in the water for 30 minutes. Check to make sure all the blades are submerged.
  • Take out the sauna broom and put it back so that the handle is in the water, but the part with the leaves is on top (just like you would put a bouquet of flowers in a vase). Leave it like this for another 30 minutes.
  • Place a bucket of warm water in the sauna. Put the brooms in it and you’re ready to go!
Application of a birch puff infusion


The sauna broom is a fascinating addition to sauna culture and offers a variety of health benefits. Using a sauna whisk while taking a sauna can promote blood circulation, massage the skin, and relieve pain in muscles and joints. In addition, the different types of trees from which the brooms are made provide pleasant fragrances and a certain aromatherapy.

Each sauna broom has its own specific benefits. Birch brooms dilate bronchial tubes and improve the respiratory system, oak brooms have anti-inflammatory and blood pressure lowering effects, linden brooms relieve headaches and have a calming effect, and eucalyptus brooms have a strong healing effect.

To prepare a sauna broom for use, it must be soaked to soften the leaves. A popular method is to first soak the broom in cold water and then let it rest in warm water.

The sauna broom is a fascinating tool that enhances the sauna experience and provides numerous health benefits. From promoting circulation to massage and aromatherapy, the sauna broom is a wonderful addition to any sauna session. The variety of tree species available allows sauna-goers to choose the broom that best suits their individual needs. Why not try a sauna broom and see for yourself the beneficial effects.


Buying tip: broom for sauna bathing

Fragrant moments 10 x sauna birch brushwood

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Finnish oak tassel

For the production of oak tassels, densely leafy oak trees are used. Unlike eucalyptus or birch branches, oak branches are much stronger. This allows a stronger and firmer massage with the oak tassel. The timing of harvesting and binding plays an important role. Because it makes the tassel particularly supple and durable. The harvest traditionally takes place at the beginning of July. The drying process takes place in an airy, shady place.

Finnischer EichenQuast 'Vihta'

Eucalyptus tassel

An optimal complement to the birch tassel is the eucalyptus tassel. The eucalyptus tassel is made from the fresh eucalyptus branches. The intense essential oils clear the airways and provide a soothing scent. Here, the timing of harvesting and binding plays an important role. It is through him that the tassel becomes particularly supple and durable. Winning is traditionally at the beginning of July. Drying is done in an airy, shady place.

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Lime blossom brushwood

The lime blossom tassel is made from densely leafed lime trees. The tassel of the linden flower is the most delicate tassel. It is harvested very fresh in July. The linden tassel is particularly soft and therefore very gentle on the skin. It is popular among women in the sauna. The time of harvest and the time of binding play an important role. Because this makes the tassel particularly supple and durable.

Lindenblüten Reisig für Sauna ca. 40-50cm


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