Sauna ritual

The body in the heat: a physical awakening

The sauna – a hot place for a more alert mind

In our fast-paced society, where stress and constant availability characterize everyday life, there is a growing longing for moments of peace and pause. The sauna as a traditional heat and relaxation bath serves not only physical, but increasingly also mental hygiene. It has become a refuge that offers more than just a break from everyday life – it is a journey to a heightened awareness.

The ritual of the sauna

Sauna: Newborn from heat and steam

A journey into the depths of our existence begins in the simple wooden chamber of the sauna. The sauna is a sacred temple where we surrender to the elemental powers of heat and steam, a place of cleansing and renewal where the burden of everyday life falls away. Amidst the soothing warmth of the air and the hissing sound of the infusion, we find ourselves in a timeless ritual that has been celebrated in many cultures for centuries.

What really sucks in the sauna?

Bad habits that annoy in the sauna

How do you behave when you are in a public sauna and other people’s behavior gets on your nerves? Can you look forward to a visit to the sauna knowing that some people do not follow the rules and disturb others? In this article, we will address these very issues and give you tips on how to behave correctly in a sauna so that you and everyone else have a relaxing time.