
From preparation to maintenance: how to ensure a clean sauna experience

Hygiene measures in the sauna: a comprehensive guide

Sauna is a place of relaxation and recreation for many people. The warm ambience, the scent of wood and essential oils, the feeling of sweat beads on the skin – all this contributes to the well-being. But besides all these wonderful aspects, there is one that is often overlooked, but is of crucial importance: sauna hygiene. But why is sauna hygiene so important?

Safety in the sauna: Four typical causes of fire and how to avoid them

There are four typical causes of sauna fires

As a sauna owner, it is important not only to appreciate the relaxing and beneficial effects of sauna visits, but also to be aware of the potential dangers and take appropriate safety precautions. Sauna fires, in particular, pose a serious threat that can endanger not only your own well-being, but also the lives and health of others.