
A visit to the Sanarium® is good for the heart and circulation

What is a Sanarium®?

Gentle saunas are in vogue. And quite rightly so. After all, the gentle heat has many health benefits. The Sanarium® is a modification of the classic Finnish sauna. In the Sanarium®, the decisive difference from the Finnish sauna is a lower regulated temperature and humidity.

A hay sauna makes you sweat and smells deliciously of alpine meadow

What is a hay sauna?

A particularly beneficial variant of the sauna bath is the hay sauna. As an alternative to the classic Finnish sauna, the hay sauna is particularly suitable for sweating in a way that is easy on the circulation. A mild climate in the sauna cabin of the bio-heat sauna not only has a calming, relaxing effect and serves to purify, but is also gentle on the circulation.