
How to avoid discomfort and relax safely

Why you feel bad after the sauna

The sauna, a place of relaxation and health promotion, attracts numerous visitors worldwide. However, despite the beneficial effects that a sauna session can have, some people experience unexpected discomfort afterwards, such as a feeling of discomfort. This experience raises an important question: Why do some people feel bad after a sauna session?

Why saunas are so valuable in winter

Sauna as part of a healthy winter routine

When icy winter winds sweep through the streets and the days are shrouded in early twilight, we long for solutions to get through this time of year in good health and without a care in the world. At this time of year, when nature is asleep and we are surrounded by frosty temperatures, we have a deep need for warmth and well-being. It’s a time when we instinctively look for ways to harmonize body and mind and not only master the challenges of winter, but to take them on with joy and ease.